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LETTER: On Trade Promotion Authority

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Tags: Trade

Regarding recent coverage of the debate in Congress over Trade Promotion Authority: Republican Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz should be applauded for their support of TPA and future trade agreements, which will help made-in-Texas products better compete overseas. Passage of TPA is necessary to move forward on new trade deals that will tear down the high-tariff barriers our…

THE TEXAS TRIBUNE: Trade deal squeezes Texas congressional Democrats

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Tags: Trade

— It took a fight between the president of the United States and the nation’s labor unions to put beleaguered U.S. House Democrats in a position of power on Capitol Hill. But it’s a fight hardly anyone, including a handful of Texans, want any part of.   Over the next six months, President Obama will attempt to push through Congress the largest trade deal in American history. The…

TEXAS TRIBUNE: Trade Deal Squeezes Texas Congressional Democrats

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Tags: Trade

It took a fight between the president of the United States and the nation's labor unions to put beleaguered U.S. House Democrats in a position of power on Capitol Hill. But it’s a fight hardly anyone, including a handful of Texans, want any part of. Over the next six months, President Obama will attempt to push through Congress the largest trade deal in American history.…

WILSON COUNTY NEWS: Trade group sides against U.S. cattlemen

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Following the World Trade Organization’s fourth ruling May 18 that U.S. mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) regulations violate global trade rules, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn announced his support for House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway’s legislation, HR 2393, to repeal the burdensome law.  This latest ruling would allow Canada and Mexico, America’s two…

MIDLAND REPORTER TELEGRAM: Conaway files bill to end ban on crude exports

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U.S. Rep. Mike Conaway on Monday unveiled legislation to end the 40-year ban on exporting domestic crude.   The Midland Republican, along with U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, introduced HR 2369, the Energy Supply and Distribution Act that aims to end the 40-year ban on oil exports. It serves as companion legislation to SB 1312, filed last week by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski,…

Rep. Henry Cuellar Works to have Freight Corridors Start at Land Ports of Entry

| Posted in Press Release
Tags: Trade

Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) last week was successful in adding important language in the Fiscal Year 2016 appropriations bill for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations (T-HUD) that specifies that freight corridors stretch all the way to their land ports of entry at the border. The addition of this language adds land ports to the list of…

KGNS: Rep. Henry Cuellar Works to have Freight Corridors Start at Land Ports of Entry

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) last week was successful in adding important language in the Fiscal Year 2016 appropriations bill for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations (T-HUD) that specifies that freight corridors stretch all the way to their land ports of entry at the border. The addition of this language adds land ports to the list of…

THE MONITOR: The Monitor's Board of Contributors - 2015-2016

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For the past few months, we've put a call out on Opinion pages for writers who are interested in writing for us regularly via our Board of Contributors. Today, we are pleased to announce the 20 who have been selected to serve on this inaugural board, listed below. All come from different industries and vocations and have varied interests and hobbies. In our first group meeting on…

PROGRESS TIMES: Cuellar talks budget at luncheon

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Congressman Henry Cuellar emphasized the need for moderate Democrats and Republicans to work together to get work done in Washington, D.C., at the Greater Mission Chamber of Commerce’s quarterly Buenos Tardes Luncheon held Tuesday. Balancing the federal budget isn’t as easy as just cutting expenditures to match revenues, Cuellar said, while noting the federal deficit has been reduced…