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LETTER: On Trade Promotion Authority

Regarding recent coverage of the debate in Congress over Trade Promotion Authority: Republican Texas Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz should be applauded for their support of TPA and future trade agreements, which will help made-in-Texas products better compete overseas. Passage of TPA is necessary to move forward on new trade deals that will tear down the high-tariff barriers our exports face in foreign markets.


The debate now shifts to the House of Representatives. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, and Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, both proving that growing U.S. exports’ access to new markets should be a bipartisan goal, deserve kudos for already indicating that they will vote in favor of TPA. Some members of Texas’ House delegation, however, have not staked out on a position on TPA. This includes members who represent districts along the U.S.-Mexico border — regions of our state where the economic fortunes are so closely tied to international trade.


Texas’ fortunes have vastly improved under NAFTA. Passage of TPA will allow the United States to enter into new multilateral agreements, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-nation framework that includes Canada and Mexico — our state’s largest trade partner.


Trade is good for Texas. Our state’s U.S. representatives should follow the examples set by our senators and Reps. Cuellar and Hurd and support it.


Jesse J. Hereford, chairman,

Noe Garcia, president, the Border Trade Alliance