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MIDLAND REPORTER TELEGRAM: Conaway files bill to end ban on crude exports

U.S. Rep. Mike Conaway on Monday unveiled legislation to end the 40-year ban on exporting domestic crude.


The Midland Republican, along with U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, introduced HR 2369, the Energy Supply and Distribution Act that aims to end the 40-year ban on oil exports. It serves as companion legislation to SB 1312, filed last week by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.


The bill has been referred to three committees for consideration: energy and commerce, foreign affairs and natural resources. Conaway’s office is now working with those committees to schedule a hearing for the legislation.


“The 40-year ban on oil exports is out of date and out of touch with America’s thriving energy industry,” Conaway said in a statement. “At the time the ban was introduced, it served a purpose — to keep our oil at home in order to reduce our exposure to the wildly fluctuating markets of the 1970s. Today, the ban has outlived that purpose and has become an antiquated policy that is now only harming Americans.”

“We have an abundance of oil here in the U.S., and lifting the oil export ban will create jobs, spur economic growth, and strengthen our national security interests. I look forward to working with my many colleagues who support this legislation to ensure that we are no longer stuck in the 1970s when it comes time to our nation’s energy policy,” Conaway also added.


Earlier this week, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 13, which supports repealing the ban on oil exports.


“Coming on the heels of yesterday’s resolution in the Texas Legislature calling on Congress to lift the ban, I think it’s pretty clear that Texans are united on this issue,” said Ben Shepperd, president of the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, in an email from Austin. “We couldn’t be happier that Congressman Conaway has taken a leadership role in introducing this solid, bi-partisan legislation. Coming on the heels of the Senate companion bill introduced last week, it just illustrates the growing momentum for finally ending this outdated policy.”


Following the Legislature’s vote, George Baker, executive director of Producers for American Crude Oil Exports, said, “Texas understands the broad economic and employment benefits a robust oil and gas sector brings to the state’s economy.


“PACE applauds State Sen. Kel Seliger and State Rep. Rafael Anchia for their steadfast leadership and for guiding S.C.R. 13 through the Legislature on a bipartisan basis. Repealing the decades-old ban on crude oil exports will create jobs in Texas and across the country, benefit consumers and enhance our national security. Texas has set a course that other states would do well to follow.”


PACE is a coalition of 16 independent exploration and production companies seeking the repeal of the ban.


The Legislature’s initiative also drew support from the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association. The association recognized the efforts of  Seliger and Anchia as well as state Sen. Paul Bettencourt in passing the resolution.


“We applaud the initiative of the Texas Legislature to prompt Congress to repeal the nation’s crude export ban,” said Ed Longanecker, president of TIPRO. “Allowing American oil and gas free access to the global marketplace will finally acknowledge the new reality of the American energy renaissance. These policy changes will benefit American workers and consumers while providing a huge boost to our economy.


“This is accomplished by putting American producers on a level playing field with their international competitors. Domestic producers stand ready to provide abundant American energy to help power the rest of the world. Allowing our allies and trade partners greater access to it will lessen their dependence on other sources that will also make the world a safer, more peaceful place,” Longanecker said.

 “We hope that Congress and the president will heed these unambiguous, bipartisan messages from America’s leading energy-producing state, Texas,” he said.

Read more: Conaway files bill to end ban on crude exports - Business