Press Release

Congressman Cuellar Announces New Federal Funding to Help Complete More than $38 Million Worth of McMullen County Highway Projects

Money to be authorized under the new federal highway bill will help fund McMullen transportation projects

Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced that under the newly passed and signed five-year federal highway authorization bill, new money would be made available for $38,476,405 worth of McMullen County transportation projects. A full list of these projects can be found in the attached documents provided by the Texas Department of Transportation.

“I am pleased to announce these additional funds for McMullen County road projects,” Congressman Cuellar said. “Thanks to the federal highway bill, Texas is estimated to receive more than $18 billion over the next five years. That is $2 billion more than provided under current funding levels. The McMullen County road projects will include work on SH 72 and SH 16, local roads used daily by residents and travelers. These road improvement projects will help the commuting experience for local residents and enhance the flow of commercial traffic through the county.

“Since 2010, the population of McMullen County has increased from 707 to approximately 805, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, a population increase of 13.9 percent. This increase, along with the energy sector activities, has led to a boom in traffic that slows down private vehicle traffic as well as the commercial traffic that drives the county’s economy. This is why the new federal highway authorization legislation is so vitally important to Starr County.”

The federal highway authorization bill was passed last week by both the House and Senate with resounding majorities. The bipartisan legislation was the first long-term highway authorization bill to be passed by Congress since MAP-21 in 2012