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WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Cuellar: TPP right for Texas, America

By Rep. Henry Cuellar 11/14/15 2:00 PM


President Obama this month officially started the process of winning congressional approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the largest trade agreement Congress has been asked to approve in years.

As the member of Congress for one of the most active trading regions in the country, I have consistently supported free trade agreements. I have closely followed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and other free trade agreements for many years.

Over the summer, I was a strong proponent of Trade Promotion Authority, which will give the president the authority to present the agreement to Congress for a simple up-or-down vote. I supported this as I now support the TPP because I have witnessed first-hand how trade has transformed my district, which contains the nation's largest inland port, and the entire country and I know that strengthening trade is a great way to strengthen an economy.

In 2014, goods exports to TPP partners accounted for 3.1 million American jobs — this number has increased by 20 percent since 2009. Once implemented, the TPP will lead to more jobs and an increase in opportunity for the agricultural products and manufactured goods made in my district and across the United States.

Now that the full text of the accord is available, I plan to review it closely and hope to determine that this agreement is in the best interests of the nation. I intend to better understand how TPP will expand upon and update our existing free trade agreements with Mexico, Canada and our other Trans-Pacific partners.

As a representative whose district touches the southern border, I find this news very exciting and look forward to examining the details. Mexico ranks second among U.S. export markets after Canada, and is the third-leading supplier of U.S. imports. How will the TPP affect U.S. trade with Mexico? Only for the better, by easing the exchange of goods, ideas and economic opportunity between the U.S. Mexico and other countries across the world.

This agreement facilitates that exchange by lowering or eliminating high tariffs on American goods and preventing other TPP countries from putting up trade barriers to American products. The TPP will eliminate more than 18,000 of these foreign taxes on made-in-America exports and create a world marketplace more amenable to American goods and services. This agreement will bring greater transparency to international trade and ensure that American businesses — big and small — have a fair chance in the global market.

This agreement grants U.S. products unfettered access to some of the fastest-growing markets in the world and can strengthen our economy. The manufacturing sector, among others, will continue to prosper and support even more jobs as a result of this accord. The TPP eliminates import taxes as high as 59 percent on U.S. machinery exports to our Trans-Pacific Partners.

The TPP will also help agriculture. U.S. food and agricultural exports reached an all-time high of over $155 billion in 2014, with 43 percent of those exports going to the 12 TPP nations. In my home state of Texas, agricultural exports are valued at $5.6 billion annually. Because exports account for approximately 20 percent of American farmers' income, the TPP is incredibly important to our farmers, ranchers and other workers.

By granting U.S. companies access to some of the fastest-growing economies across the world, the TPP will increase global demand for American products. The TPP will allow American producers to tap into a market of more than 800 million consumers living in Trans-Pacific Partner countries. With 95 percent of the world's consumers residing outside of the United States and American exports at an all-time high in 2014, this agreement is all the more important for American farmers and businesses of all sizes.

It is my hope that the TPP will help to build up our communities, create new economic opportunities for the American people and empower our farmers and businessmen to participate in a fairer and freer trading environment. As our economy continues on the path to recovery, we must exhaust all efforts to create jobs and strengthen the economy. Free trade agreements are a proven way to do this, and I am confident that, once enacted, the TPP will strengthen our economy. I am also sure that the American people will find it a vital aid to our economic growth.

Henry Cuellar represents Texas' 28th congressional district.  Thinking of submitting an op-ed to the Washington Examiner? Be sure to read our guidelines on submissions.