Rep. Cuellar Honored for Support of National Parks
July 15, 2015
Rafael Benavides, District Press Secretary
((956) 725-0639)
Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) received the Friend of the National Parks Award from the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). This award recognizes Congressman Cuellar’s votes during the 113th Congress which contributed to the protection and enhancement of America’s national parks.
NPCA’s Friend of the National Parks Award was established in 1999 to track and publicize congressional members’ votes on significant park issues. This year, NPCA tracked votes for three national park-related votes in the Senate and five in the House of Representatives. To receive the award, senators needed to vote in favor of national parks on at least two scored bills and representatives on at least three scored bills.
During the 113th Congress, Congressman Cuellar voted in favor of House Amendment 5 to H.R. 152, Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013; H.R. 1033, American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2013; and H.R. 2954, The Public Access and Lands Improvement Act.
“Every American should be proud of the treasures we hold in our National Parks,” said Congressman Cuellar. “National Parks are an important national heritage that allows us to appreciate the natural wonders of our country. I thank the National Parks Conservation Association for bestowing me with this award today.”
“It’s an honor to recognize Congressman Henry Cuellar for supporting our national parks on the floor of the House during the 113th Congress,” said NPCA President and CEO Clark Bunting. “As the 114th Congress works on policies and funding levels impacting our national parks, I look forward to working with Congressman Cuellar to ensure national parks have safe roadways, are well maintained, and have the resources they need to thrive for their upcoming centennial”
### About the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA): Since 1919, the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has been the leading voice for our national parks. NPCA and its more than one million members and supporters work together to protect and preserve our nation’s natural, historical, and cultural heritage for future generations. For more information, visit
Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee. Previously, he served as a Texas State Representative and Texas Secretary of State. |