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Executive Gov: Rep. Henry Cuellar Adds Performance-Budget Link Language in Bill

Rep. Henry Cuellar Adds Performance-Budget Link Language in Bill

Jay Clemens · Sep 11th, 2014 ·

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) has introduced new language to a bill he authored that requires agencies to base their budget proposals on performance measures in fiscal year 2015, Federal News Radio reported Wednesday.

Cuellar told an event audience that the language is tentative until he formulates the final omnibus at the end of 2014, Jason Miller reports.

“But next year, I’m hoping, and our office is drafting some ideas of what we think those measurements might be and then we can have a dialogue with the agencies,” he said.

Cuellar is the author of the Government Performance and Results Act Modernization Act and co-author of the new Lean and Responsive Government Act along with Rep. Tom Latham (R-Iowa), according to the report.

He also wants to add a customer service bill to an omnibus in an effort “to make sure every agency has some sort of basic level of customer service,” the station reports.

“They set up their own criteria. We can’t have the same measurements, but we ought to have some sort of basic standard for customer service where the taxpayer is giving the best interest of what sort of service should be provided,” Cuellar said.

Cuellar and Latham are also seeking to mandate agencies to update the public on the changes to its programs and account for them under the Lean and Responsive Government Act, Federal News Radio reports.