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VALLEY CENTRAL: Video: McAllen touts $26 million airport terminal expansion

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McAllen-Miller International Airport recently completed a major $26 million expansion. The project modernized the passenger terminal and added 55,000 square feet of new space to the existing 100,000-square-foot building. “When you have a large, growing population like we have here in the Valley, it was easy to decide there should be an investment,” said U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a…

NOTICIAS TERRA: Aeropuerto de Mc Allen, Tx, invierte 26 mdd en modernización

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Con una inversión superior a los 26 millones de dólares, se inauguró la ampliación y modernización del aeropuerto internacional “Miller” de la ciudad de Mc Allen, Texas, en donde diariamente se realizan más de 23 operaciones de salida y entrada. La directora de aviación de la ciudad texana, Elizabeth Suarez, refirió que la intención es poder brindar un mejor servicio a los usuarios de los…

EL PERIODICO USA: Expanden aeropuerto de McAllen

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En lo que marca una nueva era en los servicios aéreos de esta ciudad, se dio por inaugurada la expansión del aeropuerto Miller, durante una ceremonia a la que asistieron funcionarios que coincidieron en las nuevas instalaciones para revelar los pormenores del proyecto así como el impacto que se tendrá en la región. Se contó con la presencia de los congresistas Henry Cuéllar y Rubén…

Más grande, mejor servicio Inauguran expansión de aeropuerto de McAllen

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AMENIDADES   Entre las obras de remodelación se encuentran nuevas tiendas de conveniencia, restaurantes y un bar. DeberEl día de ayer se dio por inaugurada de manera oficial las obras de expansión del aeropuerto de la ciudad de McAllen, un proyecto que costó alrededor de 26 millones de dólares y agrega más de 50 mil pies cuadrados al inmueble. Al evento se dieron cita los…

Rep. Cuellar, City of La Vernia Unveil New Water Well

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) with La Vernia Mayor Robert Gregory and city council members today unveiled the new Water Well 6 in the city of La Vernia. In 2010, Cuellar included language in the Interior and Environment Appropriations Bill, which directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide $500,000 in federal funding for a new water well in La Vernia. The well is…

McAllen Monitor: Congressmen reintroduce bill to promote cross-border trade, lessen wait times

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Posted: Saturday, February 21, 2015 8:37 pm SKY CHADDE | STAFF WRITER One day last April, Anzalduas International Bridge Director Rigo Villarreal did something during Semana Santa — the Holy Week holidays — he couldn’t have done the previous year. He paid, through the city and McAllen Chamber of Commerce, for more U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in order to cut down…

Rep. Cuellar, CBP Announce PRIDE Initiative

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced a new initiative today aimed at re-invigorating professionalism, respect, integrity, diversity and excellence (PRIDE) throughout the CBP workforce at South Texas ports of entry. The new PRIDE initiative with CBP is one of several efforts Congressman Cuellar has introduced in order to improve customer…


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Congressman Henry Cuellar successfully included language in FY2015 appropriations bill to ensure federal agencies are not making improper payments to deceased individuals. “Ensuring the federal government is not issuing payments to people no longer alive is more than saving taxpayer money, it’s just plain common sense,” Congressman Cuellar said. “Every single taxpayer dollar is precious…

Rep. Cuellar Reacts to State of the Union Address

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) issued the following statement in reaction to the State of the Union address, delivered by President Obama this evening.  “Tonight, I sat in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives with an open mind, not listening for Democratic or Republican talking points, but instead listening for Texas values and ideas that will continue to move our…