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Responsible Spending

EL FINANCIERO: Anuncia Texas plan de colaboración en pro del comercio internacional

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El programa se gestó durante la visita de varios días que el gobernador Greg Abbott realizó a México la semana pasado en donde sostuvo encuentros con el presidente de México Enrique Peña Nieto y otros funcionarios y empresarios mexicanos. Javier Amieva/ Colaborador 13.09.2015 Última actualización09:32 AM LAREDO, Texas.- Con el objetivo de promover el comercio…

KGNS: Rep. Henry Cuellar Works to have Freight Corridors Start at Land Ports of Entry

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) last week was successful in adding important language in the Fiscal Year 2016 appropriations bill for Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations (T-HUD) that specifies that freight corridors stretch all the way to their land ports of entry at the border. The addition of this language adds land ports to the list of…

HOLACIUDAD: Embajadores del Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica se reúnen con congresistas EE.UU.

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Los embajadores de El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, países que integran el Triángulo Norte de Centroamérica, se reunieron en Washington con congresistas de Estados Unidos para tratar asuntos relacionados con el desarrollo de la región que impulsan los tres países latinoamericanos. Así lo informó hoy una fuente de Relaciones Exteriores en Tegucigalpa, que además señaló que la reunión se…

THE HILL: Here's how to achieve spending cuts in budget resolution

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Sometime this fall, Congress will have to vote again on increasing our nation's debt limit. We have already exceeded the current $18.1 trillion limit, but through various bookkeeping gimmicks, the Treasury can postpone default for a few months — but not indefinitely. We have seen this picture show before, and we know how it ends. The House, by a vote of 226-197, and the Senate, by a vote…

EL DIARIO: Empeoran las demoras en los tribunales de inmigración

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Ante la escasez de recursos, un inmigrante indocumentado tiene que esperar, en promedio, unos 604 días siquiera para recibir una cita ante un juez de inmigración, y las demoras sólo han empeorado desde octubre pasado, según reveló este viernes un informe de la Universidad de Syracuse. Según datos actualizados por el proyecto “Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse” (TRAC)…

THE MONITOR: The Monitor's Board of Contributors - 2015-2016

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For the past few months, we've put a call out on Opinion pages for writers who are interested in writing for us regularly via our Board of Contributors. Today, we are pleased to announce the 20 who have been selected to serve on this inaugural board, listed below. All come from different industries and vocations and have varied interests and hobbies. In our first group meeting on…

Rep. Henry Cuellar helps unveil $26.5 million worth of improvements to McAllen International Airport

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) on Tuesday helped unveil improvements made to the McAllen International Airport that were part of a $26.5 million partnership between the federal government and the City of McAllen. With the funds, more than 55,000 square feet were added to the existing 45,000 square-foot facility. This brings the total square footage to more than 100,000. This…

THE MONITOR: Editorial: McAllen's expanded airport a welcoming 'gateway' to RGV

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With two sitting congressmen, the McAllen mayor, city manager, a city commissioner, the presidents of the McAllen Economic Development Corporation and McAllen Chamber of Commerce, Mission EDC officials, and RGV Partnership Chamber of Commerce officials all attending a press conference to show off the completed expansion of the McAllen International Airport on Tuesday morning, it was…

RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN: $26.5 million expansion unveiled at McAllen airport

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Now that McAllen has created a sleeker and more modern airport, the next step is using it to strengthen cross-border relationships to ensure economic vitality, according to economic leaders. McAllen has completed its $26.5 million terminal expansion project at its International Airport in order to offer passengers a roomier, modernized and secure setting. Now the challenge becomes…