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TEXASTRIBUNE: Texans Enlisting With Pro-Cuba Trade Group

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Tags: Trade

Texans Enlisting With Pro-Cuba Trade Group A Washington-based interest group has recruited a coalition of Texas educators and business and civic leaders to help convince members of Congress to eliminate the country’s embargo against communist Cuba. Engage Cuba, a non-profit outfit founded last year, said Thursday that more than three dozen members have joined its Texas council, which…

TEXAS TRIBUNE: Texans in Congress Have Few Weeks to Tackle Big Issues

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WASHINGTON — Election Day may be five months away, but Texans in Congress have only about half that time to get anything done. Members have about 10 weeks to debate and act on measures that affect all walks of American life. By mid-July, a scheduled summer recess, re-election campaigns and the summer conventions will soon eat into the remaining legislative…

POSTLATINO: Peña Nieto dialoga con legisladores estadounidenses sobre la relación bilateral

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Tags: Trade

Peña Nieto dialoga con legisladores estadounidenses sobre la relación bilateral El presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, recibió hoy a un grupo de congresistas de EstadosUnidos, en su mayoría de losestados fronterizos, con quienes dialogó sobre diversos aspectos de la relación bilateral y los fuertes lazos de amistad entre ambos países, informó la oficina presidencial. En el…

Asciende México en turismo internacional, confirma ONU

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Asciende México en turismo internacional, confirma ONU El presidente Peña Nieto recibe informe del secretario de la OMT, Taleb Rifai; habla con legisladores de EU de migración y seguridad fronteriza Francisco Reséndiz El presidente Enrique Peña Nieto recibió ayer en la Residencia Oficial de Los Pinos al secretario General de la Organización Mundial de Turismo (OMT), Taleb…

THE MONITOR: Fair-trade moves America forward

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Tags: Trade

Fair-trade moves America forward Over the last seven years, we have helped middle-class families start to reclaim their economic security by restoring the basic values that made our country great — including the idea that everyone should play by the same rules. That principle matters in farm states and factory towns across America, but it doesn’t stop at our shores. We also have to…

Congressman Cuellar Receives Award for Commitment to Trade, Investment Policy

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Tags: Trade

On Wednesday evening, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) received the Emergency Committee for American Trade (ECAT) 2016 Trade and Investment Leadership Award. In presenting the award to Congressman Cuellar, ECAT’s chairman, Harold McGraw III, stated: “[Congressman Henry Cuellar] was first elected to represent the 28th district of Texas in 2005. In 2009, Congressman Cuellar founded the…

Congressman Cuellar Successfully Includes Language in Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced that he had successfully included in the FY 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Bill a number of provisions designed to make life better for our country’s veterans. The bill was reviewed today by the entire U.S. House Appropriations Committee, on which Cuellar sits, and was passed out of committee. The bill can…