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Supporting Veterans

KGNS: Rep. Cuellar honors family of veteran brothers in Zapata

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This Memorial Day, Congressman Henry Cuellar honored six heroes from Zapata who served honorably in the United States Armed Forces during World War II. In March, Congressman Cuellar recognized brothers Teodoro, Leopoldo, Antonio, Anselmo, Filiberto, Jr. and Jose Manuel Treviño with a speech on floor the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. Congressman Cuellar…

THE MONITOR: The Monitor's Board of Contributors - 2015-2016

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For the past few months, we've put a call out on Opinion pages for writers who are interested in writing for us regularly via our Board of Contributors. Today, we are pleased to announce the 20 who have been selected to serve on this inaugural board, listed below. All come from different industries and vocations and have varied interests and hobbies. In our first group meeting on…

Rep. Henry Cuellar announces expansion of medical services for Veterans in Starr County

| Posted in Press Release

Surrounded by Starr County Veterans, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) on Tuesday announced the expansion of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Choice Program for eligible veterans who need medical assistance. Congressman Cuellar explained that under the expansion of these services, veterans who live more than 40 miles from the nearest VA facility may use a closer medical facility…

Rep. Henry Cuellar announces expansion of medical services for Veterans in Zapata County

| Posted in Press Release

Surrounded by Zapata County Veterans, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) on Tuesday announced the expansion of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Choice Program for eligible veterans who need medical assistance. Congressman Cuellar explained that under the expansion of these services, veterans who live more than 40 miles from the nearest VA facility may use a closer medical facility…

Veteranos podrán recibir servicios médicos en su propia ciudad

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Rodeado de Veteranos del Condado Starr, el Congresista Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) anunció aquí el martes 5 de mayo la ampliación del First Choice Program del Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos (VA) para los veteranos elegibles que necesiten asistencia médica. El Congresista Henry Cuellar hablo a los veteranos en el Condado Starr, el 5 de mayo en el edificio Annex del Condado Starr donde…

EL CHILITO: La Ley de la Grilla

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Este martes, el congresista norteamericano HENRY CUÉLLAR visitó la ciudad de Río Grande, Texas, para anunciar ante veteranos del Condado Starr la ampliación del First Choice Program (¿you understand me?) del Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos para quienes sean elegibles a requerir asistencia médica. Muy interesante el diálogo que se aventó mi amigo HENRY (¡qué digo mi amigo, mi…

KGNS: Video: Expanding Access to VA Health Care in Zapata

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Veterans living in Zapata in need of health care now have another option. Not too long ago, veterans had to make the over 40-mile trip to the veterans clinic in Laredo -- or the one in the valley. Now, that trip can be only a few blocks away. The changes are part of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014. It went into effect last November, but the…

KGNS: Local veterans allowed to have hospital stays at LMC

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Posted: Tue 4:21 PM, Feb 24, 2015 By: Matt McGovern It's getting a lot more convenient for veterans to receive medical care in Laredo. The announcement was made saying veterans will be allowed to have hospital stays at the Laredo Medical Center. Previously, veterans had to go to San Antonio for hospital stays. Laredo Medical Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs…

Laredo Sun: Rep. Cuellar Announces Expansion Of VA Health Care Services, Includes First-Ever In-Patient Hospital Stay Option For Laredo-Area Veterans

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Posted on Feb 24, 2015 Special to The Laredo Sun Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) announced the expansion of new health care services at the Laredo VA Outpatient Clinic on Tuesday. The new services feature the option for in-patient hospital stays for the first time in history, thanks to a partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Laredo Medical Center and community…

KGNS: Local Hospital Stay Now an Option for Eligible Veterans

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Updated: Mon 10:43 PM, Feb 23, 2015 By: Valerie Gonzalez Email Local veterans will now have more options when it comes to where they can receive medical attention. The changes have just taken effect, and the official announcement will come Tuesday at the Texas Valley Coast Bend Health Care System. The fighting in Vietnam may have ended 40 years ago, but Valentin Cuellar still…