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KGNS: Local veterans allowed to have hospital stays at LMC

Congressman Henry Cuellar announces the expansion of new health care services at the Laredo VA Outpatient Clinic.

Posted: Tue 4:21 PM, Feb 24, 2015
By: Matt McGovern

It's getting a lot more convenient for veterans to receive medical care in Laredo.

The announcement was made saying veterans will be allowed to have hospital stays at the Laredo Medical Center.

Previously, veterans had to go to San Antonio for hospital stays.

Laredo Medical Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs worked together to make it happen.

"Very difficult if you're an elderly veteran who's sick and has to do 150 miles of travel ", said Congressman Henry Cuellar. "But it's also a win-win for the economy because that money that would be spent in San Antonio will be spent here in the local economy."

Services at the Laredo VA Outpatient Clinic are expanding as well.