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Press Release


Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar voted in favor of a $463 billion joint funding resolution for fiscal year 2007, which completes work on last year’s appropriations bills. Under this resolution most programs will be funded at 2006 levels adjusted for increased pay cost. Adjustments were made to meet critical needs, which include: Veterans Healthcare and Defense Health programs; public housing programs; scientific research; and Labor, Health and Education spending. The resolution is also earmark free and made cuts to over 60 programs in order to free funds for vital programs.

The resolution increased funding for many vital programs including:
• $3.6 billion increase for Veterans Healthcare
• $1.2 billion increase for Defense Health Programs
• $216.6 million increase for the FBI
• $109 million increase for Byrne Justice Assistance Formula Grants
• $70 million increase for Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
• $615.4 million for additional Pell Grants
• $200 million increase for Special Education Grants
• $125 million increase for reading programs for low-income children (K-12)
• $103.7 million increase for Head Start Programs
• $206.9 million increase to finance new community centers
• $619.5 million increase for additional National Institutes of Health (NIH) Research
• $300 million increase for renewable energy research
• $1.7 billion increase for Housing and Urban Development programs

“As members of Congress we are often called upon to make difficult decisions, this bill while cutting many worthy programs, helps us return fiscal discipline to Washington,” noted Congressman Cuellar. “While I’m disappointed about the loss of several earmarks that would have directly benefited my district, I voted for this bill because it focuses our resources on programs that are vital to working Americans. By passing this joint funding resolution the new Congress has shown the American people that it can clean up the fiscal mess left behind by the previous majority. We have demonstrated that we can be good fiscal stewards, while at the same time increasing funding for education, health care, renewable energy research, local law enforcement and first responders, and veterans programs.”


I always appreciate hearing from residents in the 28th Congressional District, and hope that you will allow me to keep you updated on my work in Congress.  I encourage you to visit my website at and fill out my online e-newsletter subscription form in order to better communicate with me and my office.
Henry Cuellar
Member of Congress

Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Homeland Security, Small Business, and Agriculture Committees in the 110th Congress; accessibility to constituents, education, health care, economic development, and national security are his priorities. Congressman Cuellar is also a Majority Senior Whip.