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Press Release


Congressman Henry Cuellar announced today that Laredo has secured congressional intent to support the removal of Carrizo cane from certain locations along the banks of the Rio Grande. In report language to accompany HR 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007, the Committee on Appropriations stated “The Committee understands that the removal of Carrizo cane from certain Rio Grande border locations may improve conditions for Border Patrol operations, and directs CBP to utilize the resources necessary for this removal if it is determined to be necessary”

George Alteglt who is the head of the Rio Grande International Study group noted, “We commend the Department of Homeland Security for helping us further address the porous nature of the border.”

This intent language will help to ensure that the Carrizo cane, a non-native plant which impedes Border Patrol operations by obscuring visibility, will be removed. This will ultimately increase safety along the border. 

“I commend the members of the Appropriations Committee and especially Congressman Cuellar for pursuing these projects for Laredo.  We appreciate that Congress is noting the importance of the Carrizo removal and including this language in their bill, HR 5441, the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2007.  This acknowledgement goes a long way towards our plans for Laredo’s river bend ecosystem restoration project and our efforts to improve the river’s health,” stated Laredo Mayor Betty Flores.

Congressman Cuellar noted, “Government support for Carrizo cane removal is a first step in the right direction towards securing the border. Being from the border, I understand the urgent necessity for increased safety and I am encouraged by the Committee’s recognition of the situation.”



Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Budget and Agriculture committees in the 109th Congress; accessibility to constituents, education, health care and economic development are his priorities.