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Press Release


Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar announced the awarding of two grants to benefit the Webb County Sheriff Department and the El Cenizo Police Department.  Funded by the Department of Homeland Security’s Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program (CEDAP), the money will be used to purchase new equipment for the two agencies.

The first grant of $33,100 will be used to purchase new Video Detective equipment for the Webb County Sheriff Department, Detective Division.  The second grant of $12, 736 will be used to purchase a new Incident Commanders Radio Interface for the El Cenizo Police Department.

“As a member of the Homeland Security Committee and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Emergency Communications, Preparedness and Response, I am proud to have helped to obtain funds to make Webb County more secure.  Not only will my constituents benefit, but Webb County’s Sheriff Department and El Cenizo’s Police Department will become more effective as a result of these grants,” said Congressman Cuellar.

CEDAP provides smaller communities and rural areas with technology and equipment assistance in order to enhance first responder capabilities throughout the nation.  Additionally, CEDAP works with these communities to adequately train personnel and supply ongoing technical support.

“As a Member of Congress, my priority is to better the lives of my constituents and facilitate progress in our communities.  I will continue to work closely with our local officials to bring federal aid to Texas’ 28th district,” said Congressman Cuellar.

Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Homeland Security, Small Business, and Agriculture Committees in the 110th Congress; accessibility to constituents, education, health care, economic development and national security are his priorities. Congressman Cuellar is also a Majority Senior Whip.