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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on House Passage of Homeland Security Appropriations Bill

Washington | Arturo C. Olivarez, District Press Secretary (956-970-1441), June 28, 2024

Today, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar, Ph.D. (TX-28), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement on House passage of the Fiscal Year 2025 Homeland Security appropriations bill:

“As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, I have consistently advocated for essential funding for border security, law enforcement, and resources to safeguard our nation," said Dr. Cuellar. “The Department of Homeland Security’s critical work is essential to the security of our nation. While I didn't vote for this bill, I will continue to work across the aisle with my colleagues to ensure this legislation becomes bipartisan."

Dr. Cuellar continued, “I am pleased to have secured funding for several key priorities in this bill for South Texas. This includes expanding Checkpoint 29 in Laredo, TX, enhancing border technology, ensuring Border Patrol overtime pay, supporting recruitment efforts, exploring increased overtime compensation for Border Patrol supervisors, and providing resources for the care and suicide prevention of our Border Patrol workforce, which includes 22,000 agents.”

Specifically, Dr. Cuellar helped secure:

  • An additional $15 million to expand Checkpoint 29 in Laredo, Texas, which will help address congestion during passenger vehicle inspections
  • Sustained funding for a total of 22,000 Border Patrol Agents
  • $160 million for Border Patrol overtime
  • Language to support recruitment and explore increased overtime compensation for Border Patrol supervisors
  • $50 million for CBP workforce care and suicide prevention
  • $305 million for additional non-intrusive inspection technology
  • $171.4 million to sustain current border security technology programs, including autonomous security towers, tactical aerostats, cross-border tunnel detection, and counter drones
  • $300 million for border security technology to secure the border
  • $4 million for Carrizo Cane remediation
  • $90 million for Operation Stonegarden to provide federal resources to local law enforcement agencies in border communities
  • Increased funding for child exploitation investigations
  • Funding for 50,000 detention beds

