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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar Successfully Fights Border Wall Funding in the Appropriations Committee

Congressman’s language prohibits the use of Military Construction funding for border wall

Washington, D.C.— Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) helped secure bill language in the fiscal year 2021 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill prohibiting military construction funds to be used to construct a wall along the southern land border of the United States.

This bill passed full committee markup and will move to the House and Senate floors for a vote.

“Military construction projects are critical to the security of our nation and the well-being of our men and women in uniform and their families. The President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador visited the United States this week but President Trump forgot to ask him to pay for the border wall. Now, hard-working American taxpayers have to pay for Trump’s campaign promise.

“Let’s be clear, I am against a wall at the southern border. That’s why I worked hard to include language that prohibits border wall funding in this bill because we cannot undermine the training, preparedness, and quality of life of our military and their families. We can secure the border in a much more effective way, and at a fraction of the cost, by utilizing advanced technology and increasing the agents and properly equipping them on the border.

“I would like to thank Appropriations Chairwomen Lowey, and Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz for working with me to include this language in the bill.”


To view Congressman Cuellar speak against border wall funding in fiscal year 2021 Military Construction-Veterans Affairs funding bill, click here.


To read Congressman Cuellar’s Appropriations language prohibiting border wall funding, click here.


To read the full bill text of fiscal year 2021 Military Construction-Veterans Affairs funding bill, click here.