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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on DHS Environmental Waiver Expediting New Border Wall System in Texas

Washington | Charlotte Laracy, DC Press Secretary (202-226-1583); Alexis Torres, District Press Secretary (956-286-6007), May 15, 2020

Laredo, TX Following an environmental waiver issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to expedite the construction of approximately 69 miles of new border wall system within the U.S. Border Patrol’s Laredo Sector in Webb and Zapata Counties, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) issued the following statement:

“Rather than focusing on our nation’s current health pandemic and helping the millions of working families and small businesses that are struggling to make ends meet, the Trump Administration continues their wasteful attempts at building an expensive, ineffective border wall. By issuing an environmental waiver to expedite the process on construction, this administration is merely attempting to fulfill campaign promises - all while wasting taxpayer money, removing environmental safeguards, and risking wildlife habitats.”

“I was sent to Washington D.C. to be a voice for the people of Texas’ 28th Congressional District and I refuse to stay silent on this matter. This is why just last month, New Mexico Senator Martin Heinrich and I led a bicameral letter with 66 other representatives as well as 25 senators to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Attorney General William Barr, and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, urging them to halt ongoing wall construction at the southern border as the United States responds to COVID-19.”

“As the Vice Chair of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, I will continue to work with my colleagues on the Appropriations Committee to build a spending bill for 2021 that has strong border security, including additional personnel, equipment, new technology, and no funding for a wall.”

“Ultimately, our communities along the border deserve better than an outdated 14th century solution to a 21st century problem.”


To read Congressman Cuellar and Senator Heinrich’s letter, click here.

To read Congressman Cuellar’s legislation to stop border wall construction, click here.

To read Congressman Cuellar’s prohibitions on border wall funding, click here.