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Press Release

Congressman Cuellar Helps Announce Grand Opening of McMullen Community Health Center

$900,000 New Access Point Grant opens Tilden, Lytle clinics

Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28), McMullen County officials and the Atascosa Health Center participated in the grand opening of the new McMullen Community Health Center in Tilden, which was constructed with funding from McMullen County and staffed and equipped with funds from a New Access Point Federal Grant. The $900,000 grant helped establish the Tilden clinic and built another one in nearby Lytle, in Atascosa County. The Atascosa Health Center runs the two new clinics.

New Access Point Grants, offered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), provide funds to increase access to medical care in rural areas and are won on a competitive basis. HHS has classified both McMullen and Atascosa counties as medically underserved areas. A medically underserved area has an insufficient number of medical facilities for the number of people living in the surrounding area.

“Increasing access to medical care is a top priority for me, so I know the opening of these clinics will only strengthen this area,” Congressman Cuellar said. “McMullen and Atascosa counties suffer from a lack of necessary medical facilities and health care providers, so any way we can close this gap is another step closer to a healthier, happier and more productive citizenry. There is nothing partisan about it – nobody should have to suffer because they do not have reasonable access to a doctor or clinic. Hopefully, through clinics like the ones made possible here, we can someday reach a point where no one in the 28th District is underserved. I would like to thank Monty Small, CEO of the Atascosa Health Center, and his staff for working so hard to make these facilities a reality.”

“The Atascosa Health Center, Inc. thanks Congressman Cuellar for his assistance in securing the funds to allow us to open the new clinic in Tilden as well as the clinic in Lytle,” said Small. “These clinics will allow us to better serve our local communities in addressing their health care needs and contribute to a healthier and stronger McMullen and Atascosa County.”

“As the McMullen County Judge, I have a vested interest in seeing my constituents thrive,” McMullen County Judge James E. Teal said. “I celebrate the opening of the new clinic here in McMullen County for the new services it will bring to local residents. I also congratulate our neighbors in Atascosa County on the opening of their new clinic.”