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KGNS: Congressman Cuellar attempting to bring Veterans Cemetery to Laredo

Congressman Cuellar attempting to bring Veterans Cemetery to Laredo 

LAREDO, TEXAS (KGNS) - Congressman Henry Cuellar and other officials are thinking outside the box to obtain a local dedicated resting place for the brave men and women who fought for their country.

Right now, San Antonio has the closest VA cemetery - which is 150 miles away.

The application process for a VA cemetery could be long, since other areas in Texas are being prioritized due to larger veteran populations.

However, designating a plot of land as a satellite of an existing cemetery would eliminate this problem for Laredo.

"Let's say you have a VA cemetery in San Antonio, then we would say 'Then allow us to put a satellite cemetery of the existing one in San Antonio,'" says Cuellar. "And if we can do that, hopefully we can bypass the application process, and then get a veteran cemetery that will be part of the San Antonio {cemetery}, but it will be an independent cemetery in Laredo."

A final decision will be made at the end of this year.