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KGNS VIDEO: US Census: Webb County population increasing

US Census: Webb County population increasing (link below) 

Webb County has been growing steadily these past five years, according to U.S. census data released last week.

The report shows Texas has been growing at the fastest rate in the nation.

It doesn't take a report for us to know we've grown.

But these numbers could help the city, county, and state realize at what pace communities are growing and how to use resources for their growing needs.

In this south Laredo community, this ninth grade campus is under construction.

It's a sign of growth, says longtime resident Rolando Tamez.

"It will help alleviate maybe overcrowding that right now United South and all the surrounding schools have", said Tamez.

The smaller the classes, the more the teachers can focus individually on each student.

United I.S.D. has had to apply for 31 school waivers this year to accommodate more students per class than what the state recommends.

It's a sign of the growth in Webb County.

The U.S. census reports we grew by about 19,400 people from 2010 to 2015.

Overall in District 28, we grew by nearly 282,100.

District congressman Henry Cuellar believes some of that growth is due to the state's healthy economy and pro-business environment.

"A place like Texas is growing. People are attracted to Texas because of the economy. The low taxes that we have, the low regulations. They see Texas as a very attractive place to do business", said Cuellar.

In Laredo, trade and logistics is big business.

This generate jobs, but also creates traffic problems especially in the Mines Road area.

Mayor Pete Sanez says it's all part of the growing pains.

"The entire city is experiencing growth and traffic congestion problems. But, we're doing the best we can to resolve those by attracting monies and investing them in road projects", said Mayor Pete Saenz.

Meanwhile, residents will be enjoying the new restaurants, housing developments and entertainment opportunities that come with a growing city. But it will all come with the cost of a little patience.

"I don't see any immediate fix to it. It's just growing, part of growing", said Tamez.

At this pace, Congressman Henry Cuellar believes the state could gain two or maybe three more congressional seats.

That means more representation for that growing population.

Congressman Cuellar says there is money coming to Texas under a highway bill and extension of the primary freight network that will include I-35.

He says this will ensure infrastructure is prepared to handle an increase in traffic.

Texas has become the fastest growing state in the nation. Webb County is part of that growth reported by the U.S. census.

Laredo is part of congressional District 28 which comprises eight other counties.

All of these counties have seen growth from 2010 to 2015.

Webb County's population has grown by seven-point-eight percent, that's about 19,400 people.

The most growth, however is seen in Bexar and Hidalgo County. Combined, their communities grew by almost 250,500 people.

At this pace, Congressman Henry Cuellar, who represents this district, believe Texas could soon gain some more congressional seats.

"Right now, I represent over 700,000 constituents. We don't know what the number will be next time, but I still think that probably my district is going to change in an area like Laredo becomes more important to a congressional district", said Congressman Cuellar.

Out of all the counties in District 28, Zapata had the least growth with only about 2,800 more people.

But like anything else, this growth can also bring its own problems.

The counties with the highest overall population growth are Harris, Dallas and Bexar.