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HOUSTON CHRONICLE: Bill Clinton; "Make America whole again"

Bill Clinton; "Make America whole again"

By John W. Gonzalez

February 22, 2016 Updated: February 22, 2016 9:27pm

Former President Bill Clinton greets supporters of his wife while on the campaign trail in Laredo.

LAREDO - Boasting ties to South Texas going back four decades, Hillary Clinton is solidly ahead in the Democratic presidential race with the Texas primary a week away, a leading supporter said Monday.

So why would former President Bill Clinton need to campaign for her here when a dozen other states have competitive primaries on March 1?

"Because I asked him to come down here," said U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, who was Bill Clinton's host for a brief campaign stop in this bustling border city.

Webb County was the first in the state to back Clinton in his first presidential race in 1992, and that was two decades after the Clintons first visited South Texas as young activists registering voters, Cuellar said.

Since then, both Clintons have been loyal to their legion of die-hard supporters here, he said. Monday's half-day stop, with a private reception and public remarks, helped energize local Democrats and boosted Hillary Clinton's national campaign, Cuellar said.

The reception, costing at least $1,000 a person, "went extremely well … We met our goal," Cuellar said.

With her strong friendships here, Hillary Clinton outpolled Barack Obama locally in the 2008 primary, and she "again will win this very easily," Cuellar said.

A few sign-toting supporters of Democratic contender Bernie Sanders gathered at an entrance to Texas A&M International University, where Bill Clinton spoke to several hundred students and others gathered in the gym. He urged the mostly young crowd to support his wife's presidential campaign to ensure the continuation of the region's economic progress that was fostered by NAFTA, which he helped implement.

"We've got to do this together," he said. "We have got to get rid of the political dysfunction in Washington."

Touching on trade and energy, small business issues and immigration policies, Clinton called his wife a "change-maker" who has paid attention to South Texas throughout her political career.

"I disagree with the candidate who said we need to make America great again," an apparent reference to Republican Donald Trump's campaign slogan. "This is a great country. We need to make America whole again so you can all be part of the picture," Clinton said.

In addition to praising her foreign policy experience, Clinton said his wife has a solid agenda.

"My case for her is very simple: Her economic plans are more likely to create more jobs and raise incomes higher, in an inclusive way that leaves nobody behind. Her social plans are more likely to bring us together so we can live together instead of be afraid of one another," Clinton said.

In several references to border trade, the former president said Hillary Clinton better understands the international economy.

"There are people who want to build walls. Hillary wants to build ladders of opportunity and empowerment and bridges to people who will be our partners and not our enemies," Clinton said. "It's a clear choice."

For political science and communications student Ibrahim Kero, the choice was already made. He grew up admiring the Clintons and was eager to see a commander-in-chief for the first time.

"For Laredo, it's a great thing to see a real American president, unlike a few months ago when we had Donald Trump come here and stigmatize our city. The Hispanic community and Laredo are not just a political punching bag," Kero said.

John W. Gonzalez
