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Press Release

House Energy and Commerce Committee Approves Crude Oil Export Ban Repeal

Reps. Joe Barton (R-TX), Henry Cuellar (D-TX), and Gene Green (D-TX) applaud the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the approval of H.R. 702, which would amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 to repeal the outdated ban on crude oil exports.

Rep. Barton stated, “I would like to thank Congressman Cuellar who was the first of many Democrats to cosponsor this legislation. His leadership made this step possible. Chairman Upton, Chairman Whitfield, and Congressman Green have also been instrumental in crossing this major hurdle at Committee.”

While the ban was originally implemented in a time of fear over the scarcity of domestic oil, the recent boom in drilling activity across the country as a result of new technologies has made America one of the world’s largest oil producers. Lifting the ban is a simple, commonsense, and free market piece of legislation that has achieved bipartisan support so rarely seen in Congress today.

“The crude oil export ban is an outdated ban that is slowing our economy, both in Texas and across the country,” Congressman Cuellar said. “Several unbiased sources, including the Energy Information Administration (EIA), have released data highlighting the benefits of lifting the ban, including the creation of hundreds of thousands of new jobs and flat or lowered gas prices.”

“Forget all the political rhetoric and look at the facts. This bill is about unleashing the American ability to compete and to strategically make the world a better place. I want this to be an American bill, not a partisan bill. This was the last major step for this legislation prior to reaching the House Floor and ultimately the President’s desk. If the President signs this bill, I guarantee you we are going to increase economic activity, create jobs, and put America first in the world market,” added Congressman Barton.

Congressman Green said, “We’ve been eager to work on this legislation for months, and come to a solution that works. While this is still a work in progress, we’re pleased with the strides we’ve made. Any legislation that passes out of the House needs to be bipartisan and protect American jobs and families. Not only do we need the Presidential protections we provided today, we need to have a process established at the Department of Commerce and provide opportunity for our maritime community.”

All three Texans are encouraged that H.R. 702 will reach the House Floor within the next few weeks. This important step helps encourage the Senate to move forward and shows this Administration compelling bipartisan support for this legislation.