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TEXAS BORDER BUSINESS: Congressman Cuellar Works to Fund 55 New Immigration Judges

Congressmen work to decrease immigration backlog b y funding new immigration judges, staff

Congressman Henry Cuellar today issued the following statement day after Chairman John Culberson touted the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) appropriations bill that would include funding for 55 new immigration judges and support staff to reduce immigration backlogs.
The funding was advanced by a voice vote in a House Appropriations CJS subcommittee yesterday as part of a %51.4 billion spending bill. The new judges would be in addition to the over 260 immigration judges, in 58 courts, already in the system. Cuellar requested the funding in March of this year.
"Latest reports of the immigration backlog show that almost a half million cases are currently pending, and I'm grateful to my friend from Texas, Chairman Culberson, for including my request for increased funds for immigration judges and staff to decrease the backlog," Congressman Cuellar said. "We've worked together, across the aisle, since our days in the Texas legislature on everything from establishing Stonegarden, which provides funding for border sheriffs, to solving this backlog issue, and I'm grateful for his support."
"I want to thank Congressman Cuellar for his leadership on this issue," said Chariman Culberson. "Processing and adjudicating immigration cases is an improtant part of upholding our nation's laws. The funding in this bill will help reduce the growing backlog of cases that are holding up our courts and compromising the rule of law. The bill also increases investment in our U.S. Attorneys, Marshalls, DEA and ATF agents and others who sit on the front lines of our immigration and criminal justice systems and who are tasked with upholding our laws."