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RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN: Cuellar: Cutting Census count efforts by a full month is reckless and dangerous

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An accurate Census is critical to the proper functioning of our representational democracy. Such data, which is confidential, directly effects the allocation of more than $675 billion in federal funding every year. It is imperative that all communities are counted accurately and fully in order to provide resources such as health care, housing, and education to all individuals and…

Rep. Cuellar Successfully Fights for 100 New Immigration Judges with Support Staff to Address Backlog of Immigration Court Cases at the Southern Border

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  Washington, D.C.—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) secured funding in the FY21 Appropriations bill directing the hiring of 100 new immigration judges with support staff to reduce the backlog of immigration cases at our southern border. Each immigration judge is supported by one attorney, one legal assistant, and up to two other positions (additional legal assistant,…

Rep. Cuellar Fights for Eight Immigration Judges for Laredo

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Washington, D.C.—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) has fought for eight new immigration judges for Laredo, starting in the summer of 2021. Congressman Cuellar also secured funding in the FY21 Appropriations bill directing the hiring of 100 new immigration judges with support staff to reduce the backlog of immigration cases at our southern border. Each immigration judge is supported by one…

KGNS: Congressman Cuellar announces 8 new immigration judges coming to Laredo

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LAREDO, Tex. (KGNS) - The growing backlog of immigration court cases is set to get some relief next year. The backlog of immigration court cases has expanded at such a significant pace that Congressman Henry Cuellar says there is a major need for immigration judges in the southern border, especially his district. He says currently there are none in Laredo. Typically, immigration judges…

Rep. Cuellar Announces Over $7.7 Million in Federal Funds to East Central SUD and Green Valley SUD

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San Antonio, TX – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced $4,940,000 in federal loans to East Central Special Utility District (SUD) and $2,840,00 in federal loans to Green Valley Special Utility District (SUD) for upgrading and improving the area’s public water system. These funds, awarded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Water and Disposal Loan and Grant…

Reps. Cuellar and Smith Introduce ‘Get the Lead Out’ Act to Fund $14 Billion for Access to Safe, Drinking Water

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Washington, D.C. - Congressmen Henry Cuellar (TX-28) and Chris Smith (NJ-04) work to alleviate the threat of lead in drinking water systems across the United States by introducing the Get the Lead Out Act. This bill would authorize $14 billion over two years and require every utility in America to develop a plan to identify and remove lead pipes that threaten residents, especially…

RIO GRANDE GUARDIAN: Podcast: Cuellar announces COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials in South Texas

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MISSION, Texas – U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar says residents in South Texas will play a role in clinical trials for a COVID-19 vaccine. Cuellar said the National Institute of Health wants to ensure the volunteer pool is as diverse as possible. Along with members of the Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Native American Congressional caucuses, Cuellar participated in a meeting with Dr. Francis…

THE MONITOR: McAllen clinic one of 89 in US to begin COVID-19 vaccine trial

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McALLEN — Inside an office just behind Valley Medical Art Clinic, a construction crew worked to add final touches to a workspace where clinicians, researchers and a select group of community members are joining a global effort to mount a counter-offensive in the fight against the novel coronavirus. On Monday, researchers at Centex Studies Inc. in McAllen will launch COVID-19 vaccine…

House Passes $1 Billion for Construction and Repairs of Federal Courthouses

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Washington, D.C.—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) helped secure over $1 billion for the construction and land acquisition for federal courthouses in the fiscal year 2021 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill. With that allocation of funds, the Southern District of Texas in McAllen Texas will receive partial funds to complete the project; about $98 million. To…

Rep. Cuellar Helps Secure $2.8 Billion for Construction, Major Repair and Alterations to Land Ports of Entry

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Washington, D.C.—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) helped secure $2.8 billion for land ports of entry in the Financial Service and General Government (FSGG) Appropriations bill for the fiscal year 2021. This critical funding will be used for new construction, major repair, and alterations to LPOEs. To see Congressman Cuellar speak in the FSGG Appropriations markup in support of the…