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Responsible Spending

THE MONITOR: Cuellar to Abbot: Reimburse McCallen for humanitarian expenses

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For three years, the state of Texas has avoided reimbursing border communities money spent on humanitarian relief efforts during the immigrant waves of unaccompanied minors that inundated the region — stating that those communities were not eligible under federal rules to be reimbursed. But on Friday, U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Laredo, sent a letter to Gov. Greg Abbott and McAllen…

Cuellar Fights $144.3 Billion in Government Waste

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) has moved to improve government efficiency and save taxpayer money, by ordering multiple agencies to reduce unnecessary printing, avoid improper payments that last year wasted $144.3 billion, and collect fines in a timely manner. Paperwork Reduction In the recent Omnibus Appropriations Bill, which funded the federal government for the rest of the 2017…

POLITICO: SENATE DEALMAKING AS OBAMACARE REPEAL TEETERS – McConnell still pushing for vote this week – GOP INFIGHTING THREATENS HOUSE BUDGET – Conyers, Lujan under Ethics scrutiny

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THE LATEST: MONEY TO BURN — With the Senate Obamacare repeal effort on the brink of defeat, dealmakers at the White House and on Capitol Hill are looking at ways to sweeten the pot for enough holdout senators to get the bill back on track. Following Monday’s CBO score, leaders have about $188 billion in savings they can divvy up toward individual senator’s priorities. Possible changes…

Rep. Cuellar, Chief Justice Hecht Defend Legal Services Corporation from Trump Budget Cuts

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) was joined by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas Nathan Hecht in expressing concern at President Trump’s proposed elimination of the non-profit Legal Services Corporation today. The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is an independent, non-profit established by Congress to provide low-income Americans with legal aid in civil matters. They…

Rep. Cuellar on Trump Budget: "gifts for rich, cuts for poor"

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Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) responds to the President’s budget proposal: “This budget has big gifts for the rich, big cuts for the poor. The American people have made themselves clear. They want responsible, efficient government spending, with smart investments in programs that work. Instead, the President has proposed a bizarre, ideological budget. His reckless cuts would…

Rep. Cuellar Makes Government Spending More Transparent

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 Congressman Henry Cuellar announced today that he is making government spending more transparent to the American people, by directing that all unclassified vendor contracts and grant awards from federal agencies be posted publicly on “I directed these changes to increase transparency, good governance, and smart spending,” explain Congressman Cuellar. “This money…

In House Floor Speech, Rep. Cuellar Praises Govt Funding Bill before Passage

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Just before voting with a majority of his House of Representatives colleagues to pass the Omnibus Appropriations bill to fund the federal government for the rest of fiscal year 2017, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) spoke on the House floor to praise the bipartisan compromise that led to the spending bill. The bill, which passed the House 309-118, provides $22.5 billion in funding for…

Rep. Cuellar: Americans Deserve Bipartisan Collaboration, Not Shutdown Threats

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In response to reports that President Trump will postpone the fight over funding a border wall, likely averting a government shutdown, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) said: “Americans deserve to see bipartisan collaboration on the real challenges facing this country. Lately, instead they’ve seen threats to shut down the government, and an expensive plan to use their tax dollars for an…

Rep. Cuellar: Trump Shutdown Threat over Border Wall Funding is ‘Irresponsible’

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In response to threats from President Trump to shut down the government if Congress will not approve funds to build a fence on our southern border, Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) said:   “President Trump is threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get to build his symbolic border wall. He wants to cut things like education, transportation, and health care, to fund his pet…