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TYLER MORNING TELEGRAPH: Mexico mineral law meeting could change investment opportunities

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Published on Monday, 12 October 2015 04:56 - Written by Alex Mills, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers Congressman Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, hosted a meeting in Laredo on Oct. 2 between officials from the governments of Mexico, the United States and Texas to discuss the recent changes in mineral laws in Mexico that will allow investment and development opportunities by companies…


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Por: Francisco Diaz Colaborará con cinco universidades mexicanas Directivos de la Universidad Internacional de TAMIU firmaron un memorándum de entendimiento con cinco universidades mexicanas durante una mesa redonda binacional celebrada en el campus de Laredo. LAREDO, TX.- La reunión fue convocada por el Congresista Federal Henry Cuellar y fue el primer evento de su clase en Laredo…

WILSON COUNTY NEWS: Poth FCCLA excels at Nationals

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Tags: Education

Poth FCCLA excels at Nationals Poth FCCLA members Clayton Jaskinia and Daniel Soto and their advisor, Gina Falcon, traveled to Washington, D.C., July 3-10 for the FCCLA National Leadership Conference. Clayton and Daniel were two of 630 Texas FCCLA delegates at the national conference. They were able to…

EL REGIO DE TAMAULIPAS: Destacan líderes, empresarios y académicos de Texas potencial energético de Tamaulipas

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LAREDO, Texas.- La intensa vinculación que ha emprendido el Gobernador Egidio Torre Cantú con los diversos sectores productivos en Texas, está dando como resultado que líderes texanos están impulsando a Tamaulipas como piedra angular de la Reforma Energética del Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto. “Quiero por…

LLAMAS COMUNICACION: Firma TAMIU acuerdo con universidades mexicanas

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Tags: Education

Publicado por: admin 10 views octubre 5, 2015 en Texas La Universidad Internacional de Texas A&M, Campus Laredo, firmó un acuerdo con seis universidades de México con el fin de fortalecer los programas de intercambio de materiales académicos, estudiantes y profesorado en relación a la industria energética.   El histórico acuerdo se dio como resultado de la…

CHCI: Higher Education Summit: Financial Aid For Postsecondary Education Latino Students

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Tags: Education

Join CHCI Board of Directors member Rep. Joaquin Castro and Advisory Council member Rep. Henry Cuellar for a timely discussion focusing on financial aid programs and ways to improve access for Latino students, who tend to come from families with lower income levels, and may lack awareness of financial aid resources. Panelists will discuss policy recommendations that…

LAREDO MORNING TIMES: TAMIU signs deal with Mexican schools

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U.S. and Mexican energy officials met in Laredo on Friday for a binational energy roundtable meant to foster ways the two countries could cooperate and build their respective border energy sectors, especially in light of Mexico’s’ energy reform announced earlier this year. One result of the event was an agreement between Texas A&M International University and five Mexican…

Congressman Cuellar Hosts Binational Energy Roundtable

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) held a binational energy roundtable at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) with top experts from the energy industry in both the United States and Mexico. The first event of its kind in South Texas, the discussion brought together public and private sector officials from both the United States and Mexico in order to strengthen…

Congresista Cuéllar Presenta Mesa Redonda Binacional Sobre Energía

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Hoy, el congresista demócrata Henry Cuéllar por el distrito 28 de Texas presentó una mesa redonda con representantes expertos del sector de energía en México y los Estados Unidos en la universidad Texas A&M International (TAMIU). La mesa redonda fue la primera de su tipo en Laredo, y reunió a representantes de gobierno y el sector privado de ambos países para reforzar la cooperación y…