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Supporting Veterans

ELMANANA: Honran a soldados caídos

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Líderes de la comunidad se reúnen a rendirles tributo a quienes murieron por defender a la nación   Joe “Flash” Lerma y su hija Liza visitaron la tumba del cabo Alberto Lerma, padre del primero y abuelo de la joven. FOTOS: FRANCISCO DÍAZ/EL MAÑANA FRANCISCO DÍAZ | 31/05/2016 LAREDO, TX.- La comunidad laredense festejó ayer el Memorial Day para honrar la memoria de los…

NRB: More Religious Freedom Fights in House This Week

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More Religious Freedom Fights in House This Week Last week’s religious liberty battles that began on military and veterans legislation spilled over onto another bill on the floor of the House of Representatives this week. Having lost by one vote last Thursday, Rep. Sean Maloney (D-N.Y.) came back again with a measure supporting President Obama’s executive order in 2014 that required…

ELQUIOSCO: Apoya Henry Cuellar a veteranos

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Apoya Henry Cuellar a veteranos El congresista busca gestionar mejores viviendas y transporte, así como vales LAREDO, TEXAS. [LÍDER INFORMATIVO].- Esta semana el Henry Cuellar, congresista de Texas, volvió alzar la voz en pro de los veteranos del condado de Webb y de la Ciudad de Laredo, manifestando las serias carencias que se viven en el sur de Texas, así como en todo el…

Congressman Cuellar’s Language to Offer Veterans a Burial Place Closer to Home Passes Full House

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced the passage by the full U.S. House of the Fiscal Year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs House Appropriations bill. The bill includes language by the congressman that could provide for new burial places for veterans in Texas’ 28th Congressional District. The bill was approved by the House Thursday on a vote of 295-129. The…

Congressman Cuellar’s Language to Help Homeless Veterans Passes Full House

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced the passage by the full U.S. House of the Fiscal Year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations. Congressman Cuellar included a number of provisions in the bill to support homeless veterans. The bill passed the House Thursday on a vote of 295-129. Congressman Cuellar’s language has several parts. First, it encourages…

Congressman Cuellar’s Language to Help Homeless Veterans in Laredo Passes Full House

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar announced the passage by the full U.S. House of the Fiscal Year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill. The bill passed on a vote of 295-129 Thursday Thursday and includes language by the congressman to support homeless veterans in Laredo. Congressman Cuellar’s language has several parts. First, it encourages the U.S. Department…

Congressman Cuellar’s Telehealth Language for Rural Veterans Passes Full House

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced the passage by the full U.S. House of the Fiscal Year 2017 House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill. The bill includes language to increase telehealth options for veterans. The bill also includes the nearly $2.4 billion requested by the President for telehealth. The bill passed on a vote of 295-129…

KGNS: Congressman Cuellar attempting to bring Veterans Cemetery to Laredo

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Congressman Cuellar attempting to bring Veterans Cemetery to Laredo  LAREDO, TEXAS (KGNS) - Congressman Henry Cuellar and other officials are thinking outside the box to obtain a local dedicated resting place for the brave men and women who fought for their country. Right now, San Antonio has the closest VA cemetery - which is 150 miles away. The application process for a VA…

Congressman Cuellar Includes Language to Offer Laredo Veterans a Burial Place Closer to Home

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Today Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX-28) announced the inclusion of language into the Fiscal Year 2017 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs House Appropriations bill that could provide for new burial places for veterans in Laredo, where more burial plots are needed. Now that the bill has been approved by the U.S. House Appropriations Committee, it will have to be passed by the full…