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Eligible institutions to reach beyond the stars for fellowships and scholarships

As I continue to advocate quality education in the 28th Congressional District, I take this opportunity to inform students and educators about the fast-approaching deadlines for scholarships and fellowships offered by the Texas Space Grant Consortium (TSGC). TSGC brings universities, government agencies, industries and non-profit organizations in Texas together to make the benefits of space research and technology available to all Texans. I hope this information proves useful to those interested in in space education and the opportunities available to you.

The extent to which the Texas Space Grant Consortium aims to inspire and motivate students at all levels to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics is very much needed in our South Texas communities. TSGC assists in the professional development of faculty members and researchers in pursuits aligned with NASA’s mission, effectively engaging students and the general public in sharing and shaping the experience of exploration and discovery.

Forty higher education institutions in Texas are members of this extraordinary consortium, one of which is in my district. While I’m pleased that Texas A&M International University is one of the eligible schools to receive these grants, it is imperative to enlist all the colleges and universities in the 28th District so that they, too, are given the opportunities to enhance education by preparing our educators and enlightening our youth. Having encouraged TAMIU to become a member just last year, I hope to see more colleges, elementary and high schools join in and reap the benefits of the organization’s abundance of resources.

Over the past ten years, TSGC has awarded over $1,500,000 in Fellowships and Scholarships to university students pursuing careers in engineering, math and science. These grants were distributed on a highly competitive selection basis and supplied student research and mentoring components. 

If you are a student attending a TSGC-member school and you are interested in space education, you may be the perfect candidate for the Columbia Crew Memorial 2008-2009 Scholarship. The scholarship was established by the Aviation Space Foundation in partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in memory of the Space Shuttle Colombia astronauts. Students’ application must be submitted on-line at by March 21, 2008.

Also available to students is the Texas Space Grant Consortium 2008-2009 Fellowships, established to encourage graduate study in the fields of space science and engineering. The application must be submitted on-line at by April 11, 2008.

If you or someone you know wishes to inquire or receive more information about the Texas Space Grant Consortium scholarships or fellowships, please forward this to a friend or contact Laly Rivera in my Washington office at (202) 225-1640, or visit

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Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Homeland Security, Small Business,
and Agriculture Committees in the 110th Congress.  Accessibility to constituents, education, health care and economic development are his priorities.