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Reflecting on the Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, I think about what a joyous time of year it is. As a husband and father, I am reminded of the great memories I have with my family and friends, and the love and sense of communion that holds us together.  But let us not forget what makes this time such a special one: giving thanks.

One of the most important actions we must partake in is the one of giving thanks. We must not only be grateful for the liberties we have, but also for being able to share them with those around us. This time of year provides us with a great opportunity to take a look at our lives – inside and out – and appreciate the blessings that have been bestowed upon us.

One of the best things of acknowledging our many gifts is also realizing that they can be shared. During these times of joy and peace, it is easy to get carried away with holiday celebrations and everything that comes along with them. However, let’s not forget about those who are less fortunate than us. Many of our neighbors do not share the same advantages that we may have, such as food, shelter, and clothing, and this holiday season is a wonderful time in which we can include others in our times of cheer.

Lets us also remember the many brave men and women overseas responding to the call of duty, it is important to also keep in mind the sacrifices being made on our behalf. The families of these brave men and women need our support now more than ever, and this holiday season serves as a reminder to us that we are indebted to these men and women for risking their lives to defend the very things we hold dear.

This holiday season, I encourage you to extend an open hand to those who may need a little help. It takes a very small effort to give someone a helping hand, and always remember that a little kindness can go a long way. The U.S. has always been regarded as a nation that is willing to share its ideas, culture, and the American dream, forming a sense of thoughtfulness and generosity.

As your Representative, I am committed to ensuring a better community not only for the 28th District of Texas, but for the entire nation. It is during these times that we are given the opportunity to analyze our priorities and truly understand what it is that makes our country great. Over time, America has become a melting pot of cultures and we must continue to work and give together. Please join me in giving thanks for the many blessing that have been bestowed upon us as Americans.