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Press Release


This afternoon, the North American Development Bank and Border Environment Cooperation Commission Board of Directors certified that $19 million will be awarded to improve wastewater collection in the City of Pharr.  The funds were received from the Bank’s Border Environment Infrastructure Fund (BEIF), which provides grants to make water and wastewater projects in the border region affordable to residents.

“I applaud the efforts of the BEIF in the awarding of these funds, and commend Mayor Palacios and the City Council for collaborating with the BEIF to bring much-needed funding to such a vital project,” said Congressman Cuellar.

The funds will provide $17 million for construction grant assistance, with the remaining $2 million going towards transition grant assistance.  These funds will allow for essential improvements to the wastewater collection system, including the construction of three new lift stations, the decommissioning of nine existing lift stations, the construction of force mains and the installation of gravity sewers.

“We have worked very hard with banking institutions and government agencies to secure grant money for our sewer project.  I am very pleased to announce that the grant money is going to help our community in a way that will not place a burden on our taxpayers.  I am so proud of where the City of Pharr is today and we look forward to working with Congressman Cuellar in the future to bring added progress to the community,” said Mayor Palacios, City of Pharr. 

“As a Member of Congress, I realize how crucial it is for lending agencies and agents of the government to work together to better our communities.  The progress of our communities and the well-being of my constituents remain my top priorities, and I will continue to secure federal funds for projects that will achieve these goals,” said Congressman Cuellar.

Congressman Henry Cuellar is a member of the House Homeland Security, Small Business, and Agriculture Committees in the 110th Congress; accessibility to constituents, education, health care, economic development, and national security are his priorities. Congressman Cuellar is also a Majority Senior Whip.