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Press Release

Cuellar Releases Statement on Biden Letter to Oil Refineries

Washington | Dana Youngentob, DC Press Secretary (202-340-9148), June 15, 2022

Washington, DC—Today, U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) released the following statement in response to President Biden’s letter to oil refineries:

“The Biden administrations recent letter to refiners does not resolve the issue at hand. What we need is dialogue. We need real solutions,” said Congressman Cuellar. “In fact, the Oil and Gas industry employs over 200,000 hardworking Americans, contributes millions to our economy, and (when championed) keeps the United States energy independent—all of which is vital for our national security.”

The Congressman continued, “Let me be clear, I fully support the Oil and Gas industry and my track record in Congress demonstrates this. From lifting the ban on crude oil exports to eliminating unnecessary and burdensome regulations for small refiners, I work every day to lower the price at the pump. I will continue to do so. Hardworking families in Texas, and across the country, are suffering due to inflation and record high gas prices. I look forward to working with both parties to ensure we focus our energy on jobs and lower prices at the pump.”
