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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar Announces $200,000 in Federal Funding to Support Border Security in LaSalle County

Stonegarden Funds will be used to pay overtime and buy new equipment

Washington | Dana Youngentob, DC Press Secretary (202-340-9148), November 5, 2021

Laredo, TX— Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced $200,000 in federal funds for LaSalle County’s law enforcement to support joint missions in securing the United States’ border. Specifically, the Operation Stonegarden Grant Program will be used for paying over-time pay and acquiring new equipment and radio communication technology. This grant will impact the more than 7,500 residents of LaSalle County.

“Border security in Texas requires constant vigilance,” said Congressman Cuellar. “These funds will provide much-needed support for our law enforcement who are working tirelessly to keep our border communities safe. Since 2018, I have secured over $700,000 in Operation Stonegarden funds for LaSalle County. As Vice Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Appropriations, I will continue to ensure the men and women of law enforcement have the necessary funding to keep our South Texas communities safe and secure. I want to thank LaSalle County Sheriff Anthony Zertuche, as well as all local, state, and federal officers for their commitment to helping to secure our southern border.”

“The La Salle County Sheriff's Office will once again benefit from Stonegarden funding tremendously,” said LaSalle County Sheriff Anthony Zertuche. “This funding will be utilized to cover overtime salaries for the Deputies working the grant. It will also be used for equipment that our agency will use in achieving our mission of keeping our community safe. We will continue to work side by side with all of the local, state, and federal agencies to ensure everyone's safety and security.”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Operation Stonegarden Grant Program provides funding to increase operational capabilities of federal state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies. The program supports enhanced cooperation and coordination among Customs and Border Protection, United States Border Patrol, and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies to improve overall border security.

Yearly Funding Levels





To read the DHS’ Operation Stonegarden Grant Program Announcement, click here.

To read more about Operation Stonegarden, click here.
