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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on 500,000 American COVID-19 Deaths

Washington | Charlotte Laracy, DC Press Secretary (202-226-1583); Alexis Torres, District Press Secretary (956-286-6007), February 22, 2021

Washington. D.C. – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) issued the following statement regarding the United States tragically losing half a million American lives to the coronavirus:

“My heart aches for the thousands of families who have lost loved-ones to the coronavirus. For over a year, this global health crisis has devastated every American community. As we mourn the lives of 500,000, I pray that our nation continues to find the strength to overcome this dire situation.

We must act boldly and swiftly in defeating this pandemic and rebuilding our economy. We cannot wait any longer – lives and livelihoods are on the line. For that reason, I’ll be heading back to Washington, D.C. this week to pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

To everyone across my district, the state and nation - help is on the way.”