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KVEO: Congressman Cuellar comments on Biden’s plan for border security

HARLINGEN, Texas (KVEO) — President-Elect Joe Biden said he will invest in better technology and privacy protections at the border during his first 100 days in office.

KVEO spoke with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar on what his take is on Biden’s plan.

Some of the technology Biden has planned for ports of entry include cameras, sensors, large-scale x-ray machines, and fixed towers.

While Cuellar agrees with the plan, he saud this won’t happen right away and that it is not all the border needs.  

“Mixture of personnel. You got to have the men and women at the border, Border Patrol, CBP officers, men and women in green, men and women in blue. You got to have those officers there, then you got to have the equipment, in the Laredo sector the cameras that have right now, one-third of them don’t work,”  said Congressman Cuellar. 

Cuellar believes investing in drones and aircrafts will help tighten up ports of entry.

High tech devices are what Congressman Cuellar and President-Elect Biden say are an important part of privacy protections at and between ports of entry.

Before adding the layer of technology, Congressman Cuellar said there’s another layer that needs also needs to be focused on.

“You got to work with the Mexican government. Mexico at one time was actually stopping more people than border patrol was.” he said. “So we got to get them to stop people and not let those larger caravans come in the United States.”

Biden and Cuellar also agree on bringing in additional immigration judges to further assist with providing border security.

Tuesday, Jan. 19, Congressman Cuellar will participate in a panel discussion with Congressman Filemon Vela and Vicente Cuellar to discuss plans for the border under President-Elect Biden’s administration. The discussion will be streamed on CBS4RGVKVEOTV 23 and

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