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LAREDO MORNING TIMES: Cuellar reappointed chief deputy whip for the Dem. Party

Laredo Morning Times, December 3, 2020

Laredo’s U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar on Wednesday was reappointed chief deputy whip for the Democratic Party in Congress, where he will be tasked with motivating other Democrats in the House of Representatives to vote with the party on their major issues.

Cuellar was first appointed to this role in December 2018 along with seven other members of Congress as the Democratic Party entered its majority.

In a statement following his reappointment, Cuellar touted the importance of bipartisanship in Congress.

“Although we maintained our House majority and gained a Democratic president, it is critical that we continue to reach across the aisle to implement common-sense policies that make our families safer, our jobs more secure, and our nation more united,” he said. “The American people are looking to the federal government to create bipartisan results that move our country forward.”

Cuellar was also reappointed as a senior member of the Democrats’ Steering and Policy Committee, which helps shape the House’s policy agenda and recommends committee assignments to the Democratic Caucus.

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