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EXPLICA: Frontera Norte Are you serious this time?

The administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), before formally starting his government, had announced that it would give a special economic treatment for the northern border due to its importance in terms of international trade, and indeed one of the first actions taken by the Mexican Congress was the issuance of a Decree of Fiscal Incentives and Economic Development in the northern border states.


“All that strip is going to be the largest free zone in the world. Throughout the strip will lower income tax at 20 percent, the VAT from 16 percent to 8 percent; Energy prices will be standardized, gas, diesel, electricity, gasoline will cost the same as what it costs on the other side of the border, and it will increase due to all these investment facilities, the double the minimum wage, ”he explained AMLO.

He added that, « this will help a lot to retain our countrymen, compatriots, so that do not feel the need to emigrate. It is a plan that consists of curtains of development from the South to the North of the country ”, was the last statement of the president before Monterrey businessmen; then he made the exit and the businessmen of this capital city of Nuevo León -and all of Mexico- were neglected and snubbed multiple times, however, it is possible that AMLO will resume the dialogue as promised and save part of the economic problem that has left this inattention, to fiscal terrorism and the ravages of Covid-19 « .

At the beginning of the mandate, AMLO also invited Trump to create a common fund between the United States (US) and Mexico, where 75 percent would be used to finance job creation and combat poverty and 25 percent to improve immigration control and security; something Trump was not interested in.

In fact, from the second day of his mandate, he asked his government that all economic aid programs for Mexico They ceased and promised to end the FTA, which he did and in terms of Migration, the only thing he proposed was to cajole Mexico into becoming a barrier to migration from the south and to become a safe third country in fact. that Mexico’s economy has not been able to ignore.

The AMLO Project in the form of a decree was issued but was never fulfilled and today it is put back on the table with the same possible benefits of 2019, I would say identical but with a robust – excessively robust iron hand of the SAT-, and with a weaker outlook for potential investors and a program that gradually dismantles maquiladora plans and Outsourcing programs, that they were the ones who provided tools to investors, who could gladly open bank accounts for retirement funds and seniority recognition and other labor issues, but not hand over their companies to voracious unions; the authorities have never opened a dialogue to that effect.

The positive part of the new Mexico, United States and Canada Treaty (TMEC), is perhaps the one of better wages and the control of unions with the laws and pressures that the North American Congress demanded to Mexico. Today investors in the Maquiladora area (IMMEX programs) navigate cautiously.

According TPR radio, the independent chain of the public national system, asserted last month that the recovery and economic development of the southern border of the US – and the region that makes up Mexico – depends on the economy of the borders, the application of the TMEC and the infrastructure for International Trade.

TPR says that: “the recovery of the US economy depends on investment in Latino communities and businesses National Association of Latino Community Asset Builders US Latinos represent 2.3 billion dollars in economic activity, however, they disproportionately make up the majority of low-wage workers in the service, hospitality and transportation sectors.

For his part, Pew Research Center reports that Hispanic unemployment has skyrocketed, especially among women. Almost the 59 percent of Latinos says they live in households that experienced job losses or pay cuts as a result of the pandemic.

Of the Mexican « side » In addition, insecurity and violence keep the economy down, the closure of international bridges has been the economic blow for this region, which now struggles to live « one day at a time »

A Latino perspective on the national economic agenda at Scribd whose NALCAB executive director is Noel Poyo, said that promoting the mobility of Latino communities has an impact on the entire American economy: “Betting on a strong American economy forces us to solve different challenges and invest in different opportunities in different communities.

« We know the Latino communities we serve and we have really turned the Latino economic agenda into a really specific policy recipe for how we move forward in these terribly important communities. »

The importance of Border infrastructure it is easily deductible from the actions that Federal Congressman Henry Cuellar has taken in Port-Laredo. Cuellar has helped secure more than $ 200 million in investments for the expansion and improvements of the International Bridge of World Trade in Laredo, which is the largest US land port of entry. This has led to more efficient processing, higher loading capacity, and reduced wait times. Federally funded infrastructure at the border, stimulating economic production and creating jobs, as well as a world trade center. The World trade bridge facilitates more than 300 billion dollars in commerce through the transportation of more than two million trucks that cross annually.

Hopefully this time the plans of the AMLO Administration and the negotiations carried out with the president-elect Biden be effective, that a campaign is started, but above all that actions are carried out that provide legal certainty and investment to manufacturing, which would reduce poverty, discontent and other problems to which eyes and doors have simply been closed , until today, in this administration.

This is an opinion column. The expressions expressed here are the sole responsibility of the person signing them and the editorial position of El Financiero must not be made.

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