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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on Additional Department of Defense Resources to Assist COVID-19 Efforts in Texas

Washington | Charlotte Laracy, DC Press Secretary (202-226-1583); Alexis Torres, District Press Secretary (956-286-6007), July 13, 2020

Laredo, TX – Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) released the following statement in regards to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) activation of additional U.S. Army Urban Augmentation Medical Task Forces (UAMTF) to assist Texas hospitals in their efforts in combating the coronavirus:

“Texas hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients and our frontline workers are doing the best they can to adequately care for those battling the virus. To help alleviate the influx of patients, the Department of Defense has sent Urban Area Medical Task Forces to assist in San Antonio, Laredo, McAllen, El Paso, Austin, Dallas and Houston. Not only will additional personnel and medical resources be beneficial to our hospitals, but they will enhance our state’s capabilities in keeping all Texans safe.”