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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar’s Statement on USIBWC Decision on Grazing Leases

Washington | Charlotte Laracy, DC Press Secretary (202-226-1583); Alexis Torres, District Press Secretary (956-286-6007), June 11, 2020

Zapata, TX—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) released the following statement regarding the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission’s (IBWC) decision to not proceed with the recent terminations of grazing leases for ranchers in Zapata County.   

“This is a big win for our ranchers in Zapata County. Today, we made sure their voices were heard. I want to thank IBWC Commissioner Jayne Harkins and her staff for working with my office to extend the Zapata County ranchers grazing leases for one year. During this one year extension, I will continue to work with the IBWC to make sure they are able to obtain public input on possible changes to the grazing lease program.”

To read Congressman Cuellar’s letter to the Chairwoman and Ranking Member of Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs on the House Appropriations Committee regarding an increase in funding for IWBC in order to better review grazing leases, click here.

To read the IWBC’s letter regarding the extension of termination of Lease’s in Falcon Reservoir Zapata, Texas, click here.

To read the IWBC’s newspaper notification regarding the extension of termination, click here.