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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar Announces Over $1.3 Million in Federal Funds to Hire Police Officers in Laredo

Eleven new police officers will work to reduce, prevent, and investigate violent and firearms related crimes

Washington | Charlotte Laracy, DC Press Secretary (202-226-1583); Alexis Torres, District Press Secretary (956-286-6007), June 12, 2020
  • COPS Grant Laredo

Laredo, TX—Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announces $1,375,000 in federal funds to the City of Laredo Police Department, which will be used to strengthen its policing operations by hiring 11 additional law enforcement officers. These funds, awarded through the Department of Justice’s Community Oriented Policing Service (COPS) Hiring Program, will be used to bring in new officers that will work to reduce, prevent and investigate violent and firearms related crimes in the area.

“I share our nation’s shock and outrage over the death of George Floyd. However, calls to defund our country’s police are impractical and dangerous. Our families, friends, and neighbors are safe because of our nation’s  law enforcement. Improving our policing system, not defunding or disassembling it, is the best way to prevent further tragedies from happening again,” said Congressman Cuellar. “That’s why I worked hard to help secure funding for the COPS program for our City. This critical investment will extend far beyond the creation of law enforcement jobs.  It will strengthen relationships between  officers and our community, improving public safety and keeping law enforcement officers on the beat.”

“As a senior Appropriator, I will continue to fund programs that create effective and professional federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. I want to thank Mayor Pete Saenz, City Manager Robert Eads, City Council, and Police Chief Claudio Trevino for their dedication to making our city safer. I also want to thank the police men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect us,” Congressman Cuellar added.   

“We are grateful for the news of the much needed COPS grant award which comes as a result of several combined efforts. One of those efforts includes the annual trips to the nation’s capital with the Laredo delegation to personally meet with Congressional leaders and the heads of the U.S. Department of Justice to identify issues and needs for new Police Officer funding. The addition of these 11 new officers will maintain the proper staffing and adequate Police presence to help protect and serve the City of Laredo. During these financially challenging times we are faced with this could not have come at a better time. I would like to thank our U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar for his unwavering support of the men and women of our Police Department,” said Laredo Police Chief Claudio Treviño Jr.

As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, Congressman Cuellar helped secure $235,000,000 for the COPS Hiring Program in the final spending bill. The COPS Hiring Program works to reduce crime and advance public safety through community policing by providing direct funding for the hiring of career law enforcement officers.  In addition to providing financial support for hiring, the program provides funding to state, local, and tribal law enforcement to enhance local community policing strategies and tactics. Lastly, the COPS Hiring Program assists law enforcements ability to maintain sufficient sworn personnel levels to keep communities safe.

This funding will be used to pay the salary and benefits of 11 new police officer in the Department. The new officers will assist the Laredo Police Department's Community Policing efforts in reducing, preventing and investigating violent and firearms related crimes. In addition, the funding will allow the Department to enhance collaborative initiatives with other law enforcement agencies without reducing the number of first responding police officers.