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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar Announces $27,000 in Federal Funds to Upgrade Air Packs for the Rio Grande City Fire Department

Washington | Charlotte Laracy, DC Press Secretary (202-226-1583); Alexis Torres, District Press Secretary (956-286-6007), May 19, 2020

Rio Grande City, TX—Congressman Henry Cuellar announces $27,000 in federal funds to Rio Grande City’s Fire Department. These federal funds, awarded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development’s Community Facilities Program, will be used to replace older breathing equipment for Rio Grande City’s firefighters.


“It is crucial that we enhance the safety and well-being of our firefighters who are dedicating their lives to serving our community,” said Congressman Cuellar. “This federal investment will provide our firefighters with life-saving equipment that will defend them from the hazardous smoke encountered on the job.  As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I am committed to funding programs that will improve firefighter safety and protect the residents of our community. I want to thank Fire Chief Manuel Muniz and his incredible team for keeping our city safe. I would also like to thank Mayor Joel Villareal, City Manager Alberto Perez, and City Commissioners for their work in securing these funds.”


This federal investment will be used to purchase 14 harness air packs, which will allow the fire department to have reliable safety equipment while protecting the residents of Rio Grande City and surrounding rural areas. The purchase of this new equipment will allow the city to replace the non-compliant equipment while providing fire protection to 13,840 people.


Essential community infrastructure is key in ensuring that rural areas enjoy the same basic quality of life and services enjoyed by those in urban areas. Community Facilities Programs offer direct loans, loan guarantees and grants to develop or improve essential public services and facilities in communities across rural America. These amenities help increase the competitiveness of rural communities in attracting and retaining businesses that provide employment and services for their residents.