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KGNS: Military medical professionals to help at local hospitals

KGNS, January 23, 2020, January 23, 2020

Military medical professionals to help at local hospitals

LAREDO, TX (KGNS) - It's being called a historic partnership: Laredo's two hospitals have now teamed up with the U.S. Army.

The gateway city will soon receive extra help from military doctors and nurses.

Thursday morning, Congressman Henry Cuellar announced a deal between the U.S. Army, Laredo Medical Center, and Doctor's Hospital of Laredo.

This new partnership will allow military doctors and nurses based in San Antonio to visit Laredo and assist at the two local hospitals and the surrounding areas.

As a military-civilian training site, they hope to focus on bringing emergency trauma capabilities, a service both hospitals say will benefit the whole community.

Examples of trauma cases are falls, motor vehicle crashes, burns, gunshot wounds, and assaults.

In Texas, hospital’s trauma centers are ranked in levels- level four being the lowest and level one being the highest. Both hospitals in Laredo are considered level three.

“Both hospitals, LMC and Doctors, are level three trauma centers, so anything above that which are very critical patients we have to send to San Antonio even fly them out to Houston,” said Raymond Ramos, COO of Doctor’s Hospital of Laredo. 

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