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Press Release

Blue Dogs Respond to AHCA

Today, the Democratic Blue Dog Coalition responded to the health care replacement plan proposed by House Republicans:

“Yesterday, House Republicans released their bill text for partial repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. Tomorrow, two House committees will consider this legislation even though the Congressional Budget Office has not provided a score to inform the Members of the committees, or the public at large, about how much the bill will cost or how many people will (or won’t) have health insurance under the new proposal. This makes simple consideration of the merits of this proposal nearly impossible. As members committed to fiscal responsibility and accountability in government, the Blue Dog Coalition opposes proceeding with a markup before a CBO score is released.”

The fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition was formed in 1995 with the goal of representing the center of the House of Representatives and appealing to the mainstream values of the American public. The Blue Dogs are dedicated to a core set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, and are committed to working across the aisle to find solutions to the biggest issues facing the United States. Visit the Blue Dog website at learn more.