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LAREDO MORNING TIMES: First in the nation

US-Mexico pre-inspection cargo program instated

Posted: Friday, November 13, 2015 1:32 am | Updated: 1:34 am, Fri Nov 13, 2015.

Federal, state and local officials gathered Thursday for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new, state-of-the-art Mexican customs facility in Laredo.


“This facility makes Laredo unique in that no other airport outside of Mexico is approved by the Mexican government to pre-inspect Mexico-bound air cargo,” the City of Laredo said.


“It is also historic in the sense that nowhere else do two countries share one building at an airport to house (both U.S. and Mexican customs).”


The City of Laredo spent $3.3 million in constructing the federal inspection services facility.


The U.S.-Mexico cargo pre-inspection program simplifies, expedites, reduces cost and enhances security for Mexico-bound air cargo.


Air cargo destined to Mexico from all over the world can be diverted to the Laredo International Airport to be inspected by Mexican customs and then flown to Mexico.


“I think this is a wonderful achievement,” said state Rep. Richard Raymond.


“It will help us continue to grow as a leader in international trade, and I think years from now it will be viewed as one of the most important projects that was completed with reference to trade between Laredo and Mexico.


Air cargo pre-inspected at the Laredo airport will, upon arrival in Mexico, be released to the importer without having to pause at a Mexican airport bonded facility.


Pre-inspection is important to the manufacturing sector that relies on "just-in-time" delivery of its inventory.


"Mexican customs at the Laredo International Airport will expand and solidify the City of Laredo as the premier commercial port on the southern border," said City of Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz.


Jose L. Flores, Laredo International Airport manager, added: "The presence of Mexican customs pre-inspection at the Laredo International Airport will resonate throughout Mexico’s industrial sectors.”


U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar worked with the governments of Mexico and the United States to establish this operation at the airport.


“It has been estimated by Customs and Border Protection that trade between the U.S. and Mexico will increase by 40 percent in the next five years,” Cuellar said.


“To account for the potential increase, this new facility will allow for more efficient processing of air cargo.


“It will also allow people to realize that there is a new tool to use here in Laredo.


Laredo has to be at the cutting edge of the trade industry and the opening of this facility is going to maintain Laredo as the premier port of entry in the country.”


Laredo International Airport, NAFTA’s cargo hub, is the only airport along the entire southern border with U.S. customs available 24/7 and the only non-hub airport in the nation where U.S. customs processes air cargo 24/7.


Initially, only Mexican certified importers in the auto manufacturing, auto parts, electrical/electronics and aerospace industries will be able to participate in this Mexican customs pre-inspection.


Currently, eight Mexican airports are approved to participate, these being Chihuahua, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Guanajuato, Toluca, Guadalajara, Hermosillo and Ramos Arizpe. In the future other airports will be added.


On Dec. 20, 2012, the first shipment under the Mexican customs program departed the Laredo airport to Guanajuato, Mexico.


The cargo consisted of auto parts for Chrysler De Mexico.


Pre-inspection operations resumed Oct. 15 following the signing of the agreement in Mexico City.


U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Mexico’s Finance Minister Luis Videgaray signed the bi-national agreement in Mexico City.


The department worked in close coordination with the Mexican Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to develop the Cargo Pre-Inspection Program, which will formally begin operations at the Laredo airport.