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KGNS: Bipartisan bill to end crude oil export ban gains new supporters

A bill to end the ban on crude oil exports, which was originally introduced earlier this year by Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX), continues to gain supporters. Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) signed on as a co-sponsor Thursday morning making the legislative effort bipartisan.

Rep. Barton issued the following statement after speaking to Rep. Cuellar:

“I am excited to have Congressman Cuellar co-sponsor HR 702. This common-sense, straight forward and now bipartisan bill simply repeals the authority to restrict the export of crude oil. Support of this bill shouldn’t be based on party affiliation; it should be based on facts.”

Cuellar echoed those thoughts.

“Oil and energy technology has transformed over recent decades, yet we still have laws on the books from the 70’s governing crude oil - it just doesn’t make sense,” Congressman Cuellar said.

“It’s time for the crude oil ban to be lifted, allowing the U.S. to compete in the global marketplace and reap the benefits of doing so, including hundreds of thousands of jobs—many of which will be in Texas. While I work with my friends across the aisle like Congressman Barton to ensure that the current, outdated bans on oil exports are lifted, I will also fight to ensure America’s refineries have equal access to American oil— we cannot enact legislation that benefits only one portion of the energy sector while disadvantaging another to the benefit of foreign competitors.

“My sincere thanks to Congressman Barton for his leadership on this bipartisan issue, I look forward to working together towards to the goal of free trade and free markets—that is what is best for America and for Texas.”

Barton also spoke about the importance of this legislation.

“The 40-year-old ban on crude oil exports is wreaking havoc in today’s world. In Texas alone, it has caused a domino effect that has put tens of thousands of people out of work and left local communities scrambling to make up for lost oil and gas tax revenue. This ban is hurting our constituents, our cities and our country.

“But this bill changes all of that. Experts say allowing the export of our oil will create nearly 630,000 jobs in the next 4 years and could lower prices at the pump by as much as 13 cents per gallon.

“Congressman Cuellar’s co-sponsorship is proof of a broadening agreement that maintaining the ban is bad for business and bad for our nation. It is up to this Congress to examine the issue and move towards a better policy that reflects the reality of America today, not the America of 1975. It is a win, win, win—internationally, domestically, and economically.”

Co-sponsors of the legislation now include, Reps. Marsha Blackburn (TN-07) Jim Bridenstine (OK-01), John Carter (TX-31), Steve Chabot (OH-01), Michael Conaway (TX-11), Kevin Cramer (ND-AL), Bill Flores (TX-17), Trent Franks (AZ-08), Jeb Hensarling (TX-05), French Hill (AR-2), Kenny Marchant (TX-19), Markwayne Mullin (OK-02), Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), Robert Pittenger (NC-09), Steve Pearce (NM-02), Ted Poe (TX-02), Matt Salmon (AZ-05) and Joe Wilson (SC-02).

A complete copy of the legislation can be found by CLICKING HERE.