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Press Release

Rep. Cuellar Moderates Panel on Energy at Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute

On Tuesday, September 30th, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) moderated a panel on expanding job opportunities for Latinos in oil and gas industries as part of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual Public Policy Conference.  Participating in the panel discussion will be representatives from Exelon Corporation, South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable, General Electric, Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Texas, and the Laborers’ International Union of North America. 

“The energy boom we are currently seeing is not only a boon for our own energy independence, but a tremendous opportunity for thousands of workers,” said Congressman Cuellar. “With a myriad of opportunities in Texas, and across the border in Mexico, the possibility of high paying jobs for Latinos in the energy sector has never been greater. I would like to thank the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute for inviting me to moderate today’s discussion and for the good work they do developing the next generation of Hispanic leaders.” 


Congressman Cuellar leads a panel on energy and jobs in Texas with panelists Omar Garcia, President of South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (left) and Joseph Dominguez, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs and General Counsel at Exelon Corporation (right).

Congressman Cuellar represents a portion of the Eagle Ford Shale, which in a recent study by the University of Texas San Antonio was estimated to have produced $87 billion in economic impact and over 115,000 jobs in 2013.  By 2023, the Eagle Ford Shale is projected to support more than 196,000 jobs and $137 billion for Texas economy.  Economic growth from the Eagle Ford Shale impacts five counties represented by Congressman Cuellar – Atascosa, La Salle, McMullen, Webb, and Wilson counties.