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Balancing Priorities

| Posted in Op-Eds

The budget bill recently passed by the United States House of Representatives contains significant cuts to many programs that Americans rely upon. I voted against the FY2007 budget and its deep cuts to education, healthcare, and veterans programs. The budget also adds trillions of dollars to the national deficit over the next ten years and continues a path of mortgaging the future of our…

A First Step

| Posted in Op-Eds

As Americans, we all have the right to express our views freely, but we also have the right to fair and accountable government. I believe HR 4975, the Lobbying Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, effectively balances those concerns, and at the same time provides a stable foundation for continued reform. After meeting with many of my constituents in the 28th District of Texas…

With Liberty and Justice for All

| Posted in Op-Eds

Like millions of other Americans, my father came to this country searching for a better life for himself and his family. As a result, I have lived on the US-Mexico border throughout my life, and for these reasons immigration reform has a special and personal interest to me. I believe that America needs strict, intelligent, and comprehensive immigration reform. I support an immigration…