Dear Friends,
This past week I was back in Washington for votes after a great district working period in Texas.
In this congressional report, you will find information on the grand opening of a new facility for a social services organization in Laredo, the announcement of grants for substance abuse treatment programs in Laredo courts, my visit with Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart in Laredo and an event to celebrate the American Humane Association's Dogs of the Year.
As always, I look forward to hearing from you. Should you ever need assistance with federal matters, please visit my website at www.cuellar.house.gov to determine the best office to contact. |
SCAN Facility Grand Opening |
On Monday, I attended the grand opening of a new 14,000-square-foot facility for Serving Children and Adults in Need (SCAN), a Laredo social services organization that helps those in need, including by treating those with drug problems. The new facility will consolidate under one roof the organization's employees, who have until now been spread out over several buildings. I was a founding board member of the organization, at that time called Stop Child Abuse and Neglect in Laredo, Texas, in 1982. Today SCAN has more than 30 programs providing services in 14 different counties across South Texas. |
Drug Treatment Grant Announcements in Laredo |
It was great to see the 406th District Court receive this grant worth $975,000 to help treat those in the court system dependent on alcohol on Tuesday. From left to right, Margarita Herrera, drug court coordinator; Congressman Cuellar; Jesse Hernandez, La Familia Consulting and Counseling; Judge Beckie Palomo, 341st District Court; Judge Oscar J. Hale Jr. 406th District Court; and Webb County Sheriff Martin Cuellar. I thank them all for their hard work and involvement.
I recently announced two grants for Webb County totaling more than $1.9 million. The grants aim to tackle alcohol dependence and drinking and driving in our community.
The grants were from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and were for Webb County Court at Law II and the 406th District Court. The first is worth $975,000, to be disbursed over three years, and will help the county court reduce repeat DWI offenders in Webb County. Every year, there are hundreds of DWI offenses in the county, and last year four people died as a result of drinking and driving. This grant was officially announced last Friday.
The second grant announcement, held yesterday, was also worth $975,000 and is to be disbursed over three years. It will help the Drug Court Program in Judge Oscar J. Hale Jr.'s 406th District Court to continue and expand to include new forms of treatment that combat alcohol dependency as a mental health issue. |
Congressman Cuellar Shows Congressman Diaz-Balart Around Laredo |
I enjoyed hosting Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL-25) in Laredo on Monday. We toured the World Trade Bridge, the Laredo airport and other parts of the city. We also met with city officials at City Hall, as pictured above.
On Monday, the City of Laredo and I welcomed Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL-25) for a tour of the World Trade Bridge as well as the Laredo airport and other parts of the city.
I invited Congressman Diaz-Balart to Laredo to see and learn about the World Trade Bridge in his capacity as chair of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD). I am also a member of the subcommittee. With Congressman Diaz-Balart's support, I was also able to include language in this fiscal year's THUD appropriations bill to encourage improvements to the Laredo airport's air traffic control tower.
Laredo is home to the busiest inland port in the country. The World Trade Bridge is the busiest bridge between the two countries with 12,000 trucks passing over it daily.
In addition to our visit to the World Trade Bridge and the airport, Congressman Diaz-Balart and I met with city officials at City Hall to discuss appropriations language I was able to successfully include in the THUD appropriations bill.
To read more, please visit my website here.
American Humane Association Hero Dogs Briefing on Capitol Hill

I had the honor of speaking at the American Humane Association's Hero Dogs Briefing on the Hill on Wednesday. Every year the American Humane Association recognizes dogs that have performed heroic acts.
I spoke on Wednesday at the American Humane Association's Capitol Hill Briefing along with Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL-12). As co-chairs of the Congressional Humane Bond Caucus, we both understand the importance of the bond between humans and their animal companions. Sgt. Rambo, from Converse, Texas, in my district, was in attendance at the event and was the American Humane Association's Military Dog of the year.
Recognizing Doctor's Medical Care for Veterans
My Bexar County outreach coordinator, left, met this week with Dr. Himabindu Gutta Borra, left, a rheumatologist for the South Texas Veterans Health Care System. He provided a certificate to her for her service and care for the veteran patients from the 28th Congressional District and all over South Texas.
TX 28 Agency Tips
With college applications due within the next couple of months, now is a good time for students to start thinking about how to build a budget. View this YouTube video from Federal Student Aid in order to learn how to use your money wisely while in college.
Always, should you have any questions or need any help from my office, please visit my website at www.cuellar.house.gov.
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Lytle City Hall
14916 Main Street
Lytle, TX 78052
Tuesday, October 27
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Poteet City Hall
474 Avenue H
Poteet, TX 78065
Tuesday, October 27 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.