Dear Friends,
Please take a moment to read my latest update from this week in Washington and Texas Congressional District 28. You can stay connected by signing up for my weekly email here.
Meeting with DHS in Washington

I recently met with Homeland Security Investigations Executive Associate Director Edge (left) to discuss border issues. On my right is Jack Morris, outgoing fellow in my office from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Miguel Ramirez (far right), incoming fellow from DHS.
I met with Homeland Security Investigations Executive Associate Director Peter Edge in Washington on Dec. 9.
I am committed to working closely with our partners in Homeland Security to keep our borders and ports secure, enhance trade and commerce and keep Americans safe.
Encinal Opens New $1.5 Million City Hall

My office helped secure federal funding for the new $1.5 million Encinal City Hall that officially opened during a ribbon cutting ceremony on Dec. 5.
The City of Encinal recently opened a $1.5 million new city hall -- a project that my office helped to bring into fruition. The new 6,200 sqaure foot, state-of-the-art city hall is three times larger than the previous facility.
It is in a prime location of IH-35 and will staff the Encinal City Council Chamber, office space for city and municipal staff, the Encinal Police Department, the justice of the peace, the Encinal Economic Development Corporation and the local food bank.

During the official grand opening, I presented the City of Encinal with a 5x7 foot framed flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol.
Meeting with Honduran Consul Ana Bulnes

I met with McAllen Honduran Consul Ana Bulnes last Saturday during a trip to McAllen, Texas, where we discussed legislative updates.
I met with newly-appointed Honduran Consul Ana Bulnes during a trip to McAllen on Dec. 6 and discussed legislative updates. I was also able to meet with the Consul for El Salvador, Sandra Agreda, and other state and federal representatives while I was in the Rio Grande Valley.
The Honduran and El Salvadoran Consulates recently opened an office in McAllen due to the increased number of immigrants from those countries coming in through the Rio Grande Valley.
Meeting with Laredo Public Library at New Branch Location

My staff met with Laredo Public Library staff and discussed community development plans at the grand opening of the Sophie Christen McKendrick, Francisco Ochoa and Fernando A. Salinas Branch Library in South Laredo on Dec. 4.
My Outreach Coordinator for La Salle, Webb and Zapata counties, Michael Buentello, met with Laredo Public Library Executive Director Maria G. Soliz (sixth from left) and library staff at the grand opening of the Sophie Christen McKendrick, Francisco Ochoa, and Fernando A. Salinas, City of Laredo Branch Library last Thursday.
The two story, 20,000 square foot branch library provides an array of services including computers and computer classes, printing, free WiFi access, reference, periodicals, circulation collections, children's programs and more.
Healthcare Enrollment Event in RGV

My Southern District Outreach Coordinator, Nichole Hernandez, (fourth from left) worked with teams from Migrant Health Promotions (MHP), Cognosante, the South Texas Development Council and Get Covered America to participate in an ACA enrollment drive hosted by my office on Dec. 9 in San Isidro, Texas.
My office hosted an Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance enrollment drive at the San Isidro I.S.D. Gymnasium this past Tuesday. My office worked with Migrant Health Promotions (MHP), Cognosante, the South Texas Development Council and Get Covered America.
My office will be hosting another event on Saturday, December 13, 2014 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Veterans Memorial Elementary School in Roma, Texas. Health care navigators and healthcare counselors will be on site to provide residents with information about their options while shopping for health insurance coverage.
For more information on health insurance options, visit www.healthcare.gov or www.cuidadodesalud.gov.
Recognizing Poth Pirettes Volleyball State Championship

My office presented Poth I.S.D. Superintendent Scott Colass, (right), with a plaque of the one minute mention I gave at the House of Representatives acknowledging the victory of the Poth Pirettes volleyball team as state champions.
On Dec. 9, my Outreach Coordinator for Atascosa county, Gilbert Lafuente, presented Poth I.S.D. Superintendent Scott Colass with a plaque of the one minute mention I read on the floor of the House of Representatives recently, acknowledging the feat of the Poth Pirettes and their 9th Volleyball State Championship title.

The Poth Pirettes recently won their ninth state title in 20 seasons, the second most in state history.
Keep up the good work, ladies. Thank you for making TX28 proud!
TX28 Federal Agency Tips

This video from the FTC explains some unexpected fees with prepaid cards.
Please view this video from the Federal Trade Commission which shows what happens when someone gets a prepaid card without checking out the fees first.
Intern Spotlight

Fellow Texas Kathryn Childers is a recent college graduate and an intern at my Washington office where she assisted my staff in various areas as it pertains to TX28. Kathryn says one of her most memorable experience during her internship was having the opportunity to attend the Washington Post’s Cyber Security Summit this past Fall.
Houston native Kathryn Childers is an intern at my Washington, D.C., office. She graduated in 2013 with a degree in International Relations and Politics from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.
Read more about Kathyrn and other interns at my office here.
Henry Cuellar
The House of Representatives is in session next week
Rep. Cuellar In the News
12/05/14, KSAT: Cost of caring for immigrant children up for debate
12/05/14, KGNS: New $1.5 Million City Hall Unveiled in Encinal
12/07/14, Entravision: Perspectiva Nacional
12/09/14, KGNS: South Texas food bank kids cafe program honor veterans
12/09/14, Fox News: Rep. Cuellar On High Costs for Caring For Illegal Immigrants
12/09/14, The Hill: Cuellar seeks prep for another migrant surge
Neighborhood Office Hours
December 16
Elmendorf City Hall
203 Bexar Ave.
9:30am - 10:00am
Elmendorf, TX
(Call for appointment)
McMullen County Courthouse,
Commisioners Court Room
SH 16 @ Elm Street
Christine City Office
102 S. 10th St.
Christine, TX
Bruni Community Center
303 12th Street
Bruni, TX
Oilton Elementary School
Library - 300 DeSpain St.
Oilton, TX
Mirando City Quad City Community Center
917 N. Main Street
Mirando, TX
December 18
Converse City Hall
403 Seguin
Converse, TX
China Grove
(call for appointment)
China Grove, TX
Open to San Antonio
Have a question about neighborhood office hours? Call my toll free number at 877-780-0028