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August 19, 2020

Wednesday, August 19, 2020  WEBSITE | SHARE ON:
Congressional Report

Dear Friends,

I want to begin this message by reiterating that the Postal Service is a pillar of our democracy, enshrined in the Constitution and essential for providing critical services: delivering prescriptions, Social Security checks, paychecks, tax returns and absentee ballots to millions of Americans, including in our most remote communities. This is why I'll be going back to Washington DC to vote on legislation that will protect these essential services from outside interference. 

It was quite a busy week in the district. I held various grant announcements that will provide aid for educational programs and institutions, city services, as well as assisting small businesses in their response to COVID-19. I also took part in press calls and interviews to give federal updates on negotiations and coronavirus relief.

My staff in the district attended local events, such as Census parades and food bank distribution sites to help our communities.

As always, if you need help with a federal agency, please contact one of my offices:

  • Laredo: (956) 725-0639
  • Mission: (956) 424-3942
  • Rio Grande City: (956) 487-5603
  • San Antonio: (210) 271-2851

Rep. Cuellar Announces Several Grants for TX-28 

Throughout the week I announced several grants that will be distributed to various aspect of our district. I kicked-off the week by announcing $13,928 in federal funds for the Penitas' Fire Department; over the span of five-years, approximately $1.47 million in federal funds to Texas A&M International University and $1.54 million to Laredo College through the Federal Trio Program; Webb County's Head Start Programs also received funding, totaling $11.6 million, which will provide students and teachers the means for going virtual during this pandemic; lastly, I announced $550,000 in federal funds to the South Texas Development Council to support small businesses and entrepreneur across Webb, Zapata and Starr counties that have been adversely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. 

To learn more about these grants and their purposes, check out my Facebook page or my website

'Conversation with Cuellar' to Discuss Law Enforcement Oversight and COVID-19 Relief Negotiations

On Wednesday, August 12th, I hosted my weekly 'Conversation with Cuellar' press conference to discuss the funding and language I helped secure for increased transparency, accountability, and oversight of local law enforcement in the fiscal year 2021 Appropriations bill. I also secured funding that will ensure safety interactions between police officers and people suffering mental health issues. This bill passed on the House floor and now moves to the Senate. Additionally, I gave an update on the COVID-19 negotiations that are occurring in DC.

To watch the video, click here.   

Census Parade in Rio Grande City

On Friday, August 14th, my Outreach Coordinator for Starr and Hidalgo Counties, Nicolas Cruz, attended a Census Parade in Rio Grande City. Nicolas was there to help raise awareness of the importance of the Census and how critical it is for the future of our district. We need to be fully accounted for, in order for our communities to have proper access to adequate federal funding. The pandemic has brought on unprecedented challenges in responding, but you can still safely do so by phone or online. To respond by phone, you can call the numbers below. 
  • English: 844-330-2020
  • Spanish: 844-468-2020

To respond online to the Census, click here. 

San Antonio Food Distribution
On Wednesday, August 12th, my Outreach Coordinator for Bexar, Wilson, and Atascosa Counties, Gilbert LaFuente, attended the San Antonio Food Distribution event in Floresville. While there, he helped served over 200 families with Commissioner Pfiel, Councilwoman Marissa Ximenez, and San Antonio Food Bank employees. 

Pictured from left to right: Commissioner Paul Pfiel, Councilwoman Marissa Ximenez, San Antonio Food Bank Employee Mario Obledo, and Gilbert LaFuente.  

Back to School Resources 
The school-year is just around the corner and it is important that we stay safe during this pandemic. Whether your child is virtual or face-to-face this school year it is important to know how to prepare accordingly. The CDC released information on what to look for and what to do. Remember, continue to wear face masks, frequently clean surfaces and objects, screen your child for symptoms and take extra precautions in childcare programs. 

For a comprehensive list from the CDC, click here

Do you know what's happening in TX-28?

Are you staying up-to-date with all things TX-28? I'm constantly posting information about federal, state and local resources, how I'm fighting for you in D.C., and what myself and my offices are up to in the district. Don't miss out on the latest news and follow me today! You can find me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram by searching @repcuellar. 
Coronavirus Resource Handbook
My office's COVID-19 Resource Handbook provides an extremely helpful list of tools and services for all those in the district. We are constantly updating the information in our handbook and you can regularly check my website for the newest edition. This wide-ranging economic rescue package provides rapid and meaningful assistance for individuals, businesses, and first responders.

Sections include: unemployment, direct payments, food assistance, homeowners and protection programs, and more. If you have any questions about the topics listed on the handbook, please contact my offices for assistance. To view the English handbook, click here. To view the Spanish handbook, click here. 

The Data's in... and We're Behind On the 2020 Census 
As of August 17th, our district has a response rate of 50.6%. Unfortunately, this only a .8% improvement from last week and we're still tailing behind the state's average rate of 58.7%. We behind the states responses by 8.1%. In order to improve these numbers, we must make sure that every man, woman, and child living in TX-28 are properly accounted for. You can complete the Census form, by clicking here. Or, you can respond through mail, once you receive the paper form. 

This Week's Grant Newsletter
Don't miss out on a grant opportunity! Attracting more federal funds to the district and region has been a top priority during my tenure in Congress. In an effort to better serve you, I want to provide you with information on a variety of open federal grant opportunities in each week's newsletter. To see a previous edition, click here. If you'd like to subscribe to the weekly grants newsletter, please fill out our google doc form.  

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:  Risks of Exposure to COVID-19

Preventing the continued spread of COVID-19 is imperative. Knowing the different methods of mitigating the spread of germs can be a game changer in protecting yourself and others. 

In this week's video, the CDC illustrates how to stop the spread of germs. 

Henry Cuellar

Take My Latest Survey

8/17, Border Report: DHS inspector general calls border wall ‘outdated’ in report critical of CBP spending

8/16, The Monitor: 
$500K in federal aid secured for small businesses in Western Valley

8/16, The Brownsville Herald: 
EDITORIAL: Reinforcements: Case backlog necessitates more immigration judges

8/14, Laredo Morning Times: 
Webb County Head Start programs to receive $11.6M in funding for virtual learning

8/10, Texas Border Business: Rep. Cuellar Announces $13,928 in Federal Funds to Penitas' Fire Department

8/10, NPR: 
Border Patrol Faulted For Favoring Steel And Concrete Wall Over High-Tech Solutions

8/07, San Antonio Express-News: 
Border wall: Hundreds of miles funded, 5 new miles built

8/06, Rio Grande Guardian: 
Cuellar: Cutting Census count efforts by a full month is reckless and dangerous

8/06, The Monitor: 
Cuellar hopes 100 more immigration judges will ease 1.2M case backlog

8/05, KGNS: 
Congressman Cuellar announces 8 new immigration judges coming to Laredo

8/03, Texas Border Business: Rep. Cuellar Helps Secure $2.8 Billion for Construction, Major RFepari and Alternations to Land Ports of Entry

8/02, The Monitor: 
McAllen clinic one of 89 in US to begin COVID-19 vaccine trial

8/02, Rio Grande Guardian: 
Podcast: Cuellar announces COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials in South Texas


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